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Topics - Dr. Whooo

Pages: [1] 2
Other Games / L4d/L4d2 jump map ports
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:19:38 PM »
Hey if any of you play this and enjoy jumping around with the hunter (if not, go DL and play the hunter training map) let me know if you may be interested in playing different jump maps as hunter in l4d/2

Ive done a quick port of jump_rush just for testing (fullbright and all) and it is doable.. for the most part. If more ppl are intersted ill see where this goes...

General Discussion / New push cvar
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:50:25 PM »
Add a new server ConVar "tf_avoidteammates_pushaway" to control whether or not teammates push each other away when occupying the same space


Other Games / Borderlands 2
« on: September 16, 2012, 08:11:46 PM »
Hey, just wondering if anyone was gonna start this up when it goes live and wanted some co-op? if my math isnt wrong(which it prolly is) its going live tonight (or tomorrow night) and ya.. anyway GLHF :P

Mapping Tutorials / Jump Timers - Creating them Mapside
« on: April 18, 2012, 10:22:34 PM »
Hey everyone. For those of you creating new maps or doing a WiP and interested in creating timers to have jumpers time themselves while they go through, you now can add entities to your map and layout the timing course how you want.

This is the entity setup to work with Cranck's SkillsRank Timer plugin that syncs with's webstats.

There are four entities you need.

Course info:

You will need to create a game_text_tf point entity. Put this anywhere on the map. I suggest near the start trigger.

You will need to fill out Name in this format:

Code: [Select]
For the name, name your course. Spaces are not supported

For the number, start with 1. If there are more than one course do the math...

You will need to fill out Message Text with the number of the triggers in the order that you want them passed through/completed.

For example, if you have a start and finish trigger (which will be covered shortly) and that is the only triggers on the map, they should have 0 and 1 at the end of the trigger name. In this case you would put
Code: [Select]
0,1in the Message Text field.

Setting up the course triggers

The naming convention is similar for all of these, difference being the first part and the number designating what kind of trigger it is and what order the trigger falls in the course

Code: [Select]

Start Trigger:

Create a brush entity covering the area you want the player to pass through or touch to begin the timer. Make the entity a trigger_multiple.
The naming convention for start triggers is:

Code: [Select]
The counting starts at "0" so if this is your first timing trigger placed, the name will look like this:

Code: [Select]
Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)


Follow the same method in creating a start trigger. I suggest hallways or a place the player gets teleported to at the start of a new jump -- somewhere you know they have to go.

Checkpoint naming convention is:

Code: [Select]
Checkpoints are optional, though highly suggested if you want to make sure players go through your entire course. Place as many of these as you like (use your own judgement here, I suggest 1-5 depending on the size of the map). Keep in mind, any placed and included in the course info in the game_text_tf must be passed through to enable the finish trigger

Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)

Finish Trigger:

Follow the same method in creating a start trigger. I suggest the control point or some other obvious stopping point.

The Finish naming convention is:

Code: [Select]
Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)

For another example if you have a course setup with the proper names of triggers numbered 0 -5 (0 being start, 1-4 checkpoints, and 5 finish) the Message Text in your game_text_tf would be:

Code: [Select]
assuming that you want the checkpoints completed in that order.

Any questions, comments or concerns feel free to ask me or Cranck.

Attached is an example vmf of 2 courses setup on the same map with triggers and course info.

General Discussion / Defrag - looking for testers
« on: March 25, 2012, 04:13:53 PM »
Hey all I'm looking for q3 defragers to test some maps in tf2. If you are decent at defrag and interested in helping out, the more testers the better.

Also depending on the interest I may setup a NA test server to help out the NA testers. Euro testers will take a bit more coordination I think.

tl:dr looking for q3 defrag peeps to test defrag maps in tf2

NA (virginia) -
EU (ireland) -

CrancK's plugins / Skillsrank bugs..
« on: March 02, 2012, 01:42:56 PM »
from what ive heard...

-DB!- tordana :  the last checkpoint doesn't work on any map
-DB!- tordana :  maps with multiple courses, you can do all but the last
-DB!- tordana :  maps with one course you can't do it

Also lmk if you interested in working on a few things for mappers to put in as far as a start/stop and checkpoints so you dont have to do anything once the map is released.

General Discussion / New Jump Style Idea... Sorta
« on: February 21, 2012, 06:47:03 PM »
So I have been lurking lately, but off and on been thinking about new and interesting ways to create new jumps and whatnot. In the past year or so there have been a fair number of things to change how people jump and overall the community's skill has increased.

There have been a few sandbox jump maps (or freestyle if you prefer) over the years and they mainly do not get played. I have a couple theories on that, one being that the openness and lack of a goal makes people not that interested in trying to create their own challenges or jumps in their mind. Then again, some people just don't like the sandbox style, which is all well and good.

Anyway, long story short an idea (or partial idea) I've been thinking about, and this is more catered toward the speedrunnning side of the community (cause who doesn't like a little friendly competition right?!), is checkpoint jumping.

Please watch the first 20 seconds (or more if you really want) of the video to see what I mean.

Gotham City Impostors Challenges: Ace Chemicals Gold Medal Guide (Beginner/Intermediate/Expert) Small | Large

Now there are a few ways to implement this idea, some more complicated then others.
Doing it map side with triggers for doing inmap timing would be one way -- think old school bhoping. Downside would be it may be limited to single player.

Doing it server side with a plugin (think Cranck's timer, with expanded support on the checkpoint aspect of his plugin). Downside is that this might require more coding to work more seamlessly

Overall there are a few maps that could have checkpoints added to them via plugin and then it would be good. Maps could also be created specifically for this for more interesting "courses". Refer to the video again. These don't have to be hard jumps, or necessarily long courses, just something to maybe breath life back into the speed running side of the community again.

What are some of your thoughts on this?

tl:dr -- watch the first 20 secs of the vid. This is the idea put into jump maps for speed running.

Feedback / Alternative Pube iT ideas
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:59:58 PM »
So from my understanding klare was thinking of changin pube iT to something else. After talking with a few people over the cross server chat here are a few ideas that we came up with.

Speed Dodge Ball - the speed part is important... if truly interested I suggest talking to [GNC]Matt

Prop Hunt - someone mentioned this is a good community building mod...

Zombie Mod - do ppl still play this?

Saxon Hale Mod

If anyone else has thoughts or input feel free to post

General Discussion / jump challenge map...
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:24:29 PM »
So I was thinking the other day, would it be worth taking these jump challenges in the above thread and make an actual map out of them?

Let me know what you all think and why... Im not for saying i would commit to this, but something to think about at least and maybe somewhere to have newer maps coming out go with their jump ideas.

General Discussion / AusJump moved!!
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:06:14 AM »
FYI, new server IP for AusJump

If you would be so kind as to update the server listing page that would be much appreciated

Requests / Quad suggestions/requests/misc
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:54:19 PM »
Here is a couple things that would be nice to have for the new quad mod...

Disable the Direct Hit - this makes it a lot easier...

Have the quad mod turn on automatically on quad_ maps and maybe conc maps

!quadme cmd - Maybe change it to just !quad

Health mod - Something that emulates hurtme -999, most converted maps do not have hurtme in them

Ammo mod - as it stands now, without regen (or in a resup zone) you are at 3 rox and all. Maybe make the reserve like 200 or something for maps with no resup zones so you dont run out but still have to reload?

As I mentioned to you a little about maybe a plugin that adds a default info_player_spawn ent for maps that dont have one, that would be really nice. There are a lot of good tfc remakes that FF peeps have ported already that that would be all they need.

There are a few maps (quad_tyrant, not the quad_tyrant_tf2) that has lua scripts to allow you to do the course in reverse which is based on team color and a few other things. This doesnt work by default for tf2, but if your interested maybe we can work something out.. idk

just some thoughts... maybe more later

New Maps / Working conc and quad maps
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:54:26 PM »

the quad and concmap names need to be added to JA enable tags...

Here is a list of 'working' conc and quad maps. By working i mean you dont spawn in the middle of nowhere...
Im going through a few more as boredom is around but for now thats what ive found.
Lua scripts just in case...

General Discussion / Pyro--
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:50:45 PM »
Looking for this version of the pyro jumping... :P

New Maps / jump_junk
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:32:06 PM »
Current version: A3 (not really a pub release, more play testing)

Number of jumps
Demo: 35ish
Solly: 21ish (0-19)

Please post your feedback here.

NEEDED: Suggested jump order, besides the usual feedback please post your suggest jump order by easy to hard

Currently looking for broken jump that arnt doable, broken teles, and jumps that need better lighting (i guess i have the best sight at night or something cause all you MFs cant see shit).

Any other feedback is always good

So far ppl who have contributed to the map:

Dr. Whooo


Fixed lights
Overall added more lights (still needs adjusting for all you blind fucks with low brightness)
Added more jumps
Working on trying to fit more jumps but currently getting vis errors for more stuff... so this may be the last add of jumps.

Soldier jumps:

Jump 1 added tele on ledge
Jump 3 Added timed tele for skip plat
Jump 14 adjusted plat and raised doorway
Jump 15 made starting area 1000 units higher, moved skip plat out 350 units. should now be able to prefire 2 for the skip (maybe v2)
Jump 18 moved spawn forward

Demo jumps:

Jump 11 fixed a timed TP
Jump 22 made wire a non solid brush w/playerclip

General Discussion / Jumping from...
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:09:58 AM »
So figured id toss this up as sorta a intro thread thing...

Im Dr. Whooo.. midwest USA jumper and a dabble in random shit dealing with jumping...

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