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Messages - duppy

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Jump Help / Re: Wallpogo with original?
« on: May 26, 2013, 02:38:55 PM »
There's probably no tutorial because it's simply a pogo where you're looking slightly forward toward the wall...while holding 'W' to keep yourself against the pointed perfectly perpendicular to the wall.  That's only climbing straight up the wall though.

If you're trying to wallpogo horizontally, it's nearly the same as using the stock Rocket Launcher (video tutorial here.  Assuming a typical right wall, you look left ever so slightly, while keeping that same downward "wall pogo angle".  When you begin looking to the left, you'll notice you'll starting moving horizontally to the left.  At this point you're still holding 'W' to keep yourself against the wall, but you may also have to tap the 'D' key to slow yourself down.  Tapping 'D' will also help you stay against the wall like the 'W' key does.  Don't hold 'D' though...tap it about once every second, or about the same time you see the explosion.  Also, it should be obvious, but if you were wallpogoing horizontally to the right (on a left wall), you'd use the 'A' key instead of 'D'.

Wall pogo is mostly about very subtle movements of the mouse to change your angle in relation to the wall, and also knowing how to counteract the explosion that pushes you off the well as controlling your speed.  To become good at it, you simply have to practice, practice, and then practice some more ;)

BTW, I personally use the stock Rocket Launcher, but I did load up a map and used The Original while writing this, so hopefully it's mostly correct.

Jump Videos / Re: Support
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:07:35 PM »
Not the greatest or most impressive jumps, but there were a few creative ones in there which were fun to watch.   I think it was really nice of you to give some of the spotlight to lesser known jumpers out there though.  Also, your editing is getting better in my opinion, so keep it goin'....nice work.

Jump Help / Re: Helpful links to stuff
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:16:57 PM »
Installation instructions for Regen for Mac?

On Mac I believe you just replace "c:\Program Files (x86)" with "~/Library/Application Support" and the rest is the it should be something like "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/no-explosions/" ...just UnRAR it into there.

BTW, I don't have a Mac, so I'm just going off of what I found on google.

Edit: oops, you said for regen, but it's still nearly the same.  Download no-regen-sound.vpk and save it to ""~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/"  (don't create any folders in there, save directly to the custom folder).

Jump Help / Re: max distance of a ctap?
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:10:01 PM »
If you can get a stable 200 fps, I believe this is the script to do perfect ctaps:

Code: [Select]
// eXiGe's Fast Perfect Crouch Tap for 200 fps cap
alias pct "+duck;wait 4;+attack;wait 8;-duck;+jump;wait 15;-attack;-jump"
bind mouse2 pct

Make sure to set "fps_max 200", which will make "wait 1" equal to a 5 millisecond delay (1/200*1000).

But anyway, horizontal jump distance is a bit hard to test because there's a few more variables involved.   See if you can beat 1450 though.

Jump Help / Re: New Inf ammo and health script
« on: May 18, 2013, 01:43:51 PM »
Am I only one for who is this unworking since today's RoboUpdate sh*t? :D I was working on some clips and now i can't find any working one, and updating my dediserver isn't what i wanna do....

Still working for me, although I'm using the script I modified with negative trigger_hurt.  I just tried it on ctf_2fort which of course has no regen normally.

Here it is again, pretty much the same as my post (Reply #13 of this thread):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Jump Help / Re: Disable resupply sounds (hey, sup? :3 )
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:59:59 PM »
Here's no-regen-sound.vpk.  Save it to tf/custom/ folder.  Can't help with pain sounds since I haven't disabled mine.

Jump Help / Re: Helpful links to stuff
« on: May 09, 2013, 08:45:19 PM »
No explosion particles not working for me after the update  :-X

Go to the tf\custom folder, and create a new it something like no-explosions:

c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\no-explosions\

Now extract NoExploPrt.rar to there.

The result should look something like this:

Code: [Select]
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\no-explosions\particles\explosion.pcf
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\no-explosions\particles\explosion_dx80.pcf
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\no-explosions\particles\explosion_dx90_slow.pcf
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\no-explosions\particles\explosion_high.pcf

New Maps / Re: jump_termywermy
« on: May 09, 2013, 08:32:25 PM »
If you're gonna disagree, at least say why.

But really, my main problem was with Jump 9...not really saying it's very difficult, but that it could be made easier considering it was placed before a bunch of extremely easy jumps...

Jump 1 = single sticky across gap
Jump "1.5" = single sticky jump upward, then double sticky jump up
Jump 2 = single sticky across gap
Jump 3 = single sticky, stafe around corner
Jump 4 = double sticky jump across water
Jump "4.5" = double sticky vertical jump
Jump 5 = single sticky, strafe
Jump 6 = double sticky jump, strafe around zig-zag
Jump 7 = Drop down onto 2 stickies and stafe around (perhaps intended for learning basic pogo though?).

All of those incredibly easy for any noob demo jumper (even the ones that use 8 stickies at once)

Jump 8 =  "falling pogo" down 4 platforms and then across gap.  A bit harder now.
Jump "8.5" = double sticky jump up

Now we get to:

Jump 9 = single sticky jump across water, shoot out two stickies to catch yourself, pogo, another double sticky catch (or down pogo on side wall), then while pogo'ing on ground, double sticky up the two platforms.

I guess you disagree, but going from at most a double sticky jump (or basic pogos) into all of that which is required on Jump 9 is a pretty big transition in difficulty.  But then, you're an expert demo jumper, so everything is easy to you, right?

And since you disagree, I guess I can assume you think that Jump 10 isn't easily cheated, and Jump 12 is not easy?  Whatever.

If you want to disagree on aesthetics of the first control point area, Jump 15 and the window texture, that's fine, because not everyone cares what a map looks like, but I don't see why you would "disagree with everything".

Anyway, next time I'll hold off on my criticisms since it seems to be a waste of time.

BTW, this is directed more at Heinz, and a bit less toward Afterglow.

General Discussion / Re: How to get Hammer ''working''
« on: May 09, 2013, 04:25:09 PM »
Step 3 actually fixed the problem for me.

Which problem?  Scheme file error?

New Maps / Re: jump_termywermy
« on: May 09, 2013, 04:18:26 PM »
I'll offer a few critiques (on beta2)...

After Jump 7 which leads to the control point is rather ugly and needs to be re-done in my opinion.  It's like you just randomly moved some ceiling brushes around so you could get some skybox lighting in there.  The trapezoid shaped window looks ok, but the window that's part of the narrow hallway next to the control point just seems out of place, and if you look though it, you can see through the walls.  And speaking of that hallway, why is it so dark and narrow?

Jump 8 could maybe use regen to make it a bit easier for both demo and soldier...or not...but I tend to see a lot of people stuck on that jump.

I always found jump 9 fairly difficult.  The first part of the jump is kind of a long distance to travel for a double sticky catch.   Placing two stickies next to each other from that height and speed isn't easy (at least for me).   There is that very steep wall that can help, but in my opinion, you should just make the platforms on either side of the water the same height.  As soldier it's seems dumb to slide down that steep wall and then wall pogo across, and I remember always getting stuck on that wall which would screw up my wall pogo...I don't think that right wall is perfectly vertical or aligned properly.

Jump 10 is too easy to skip using either using 3 stickies (with cheats/superman) or straight up vertical air pogo.

Jump 12 seems like kind of a joke considering Jump 11's difficulty.  It's just a simple, one sticky air pogo and strafe around.

Jump 15's end landing zone is a bit weird how it leads into jump 16.  It almost seems like a dead end until you look down into the dark shadow which leads to a thin narrow passage. 

Oh, one other nit-pick...I hate the window texture you used!  Those thin 1 pixel diamond patterns create annoying moirĂ© patterns.  Change 'em please.

That's about it...overall a pretty good demo jumping map though.

General Discussion / Re: How to get Hammer ''working''
« on: May 09, 2013, 01:55:34 PM »
That tutorial is a bit old I think.  Right now, the only thing you should have to do is opt into the beta and then to actually run Hammer, you use the batch file "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\Hammer.bat" (or similar, based on where TF2 is installed).

Now, some comments on what's wrong about that tutorial...

In step 2 of the tutorial, it says to add the VPROJECT environment variable, but that's no longer necessary since the Hammer.bat will create it for your if it needs to.

In step 3, it says to edit tf/gameinfo.txt, but it shouldn't be necessary.  Mine does not have "ToolsAppId 211" in it, and Hammer works perfectly fine.

In step 4 it mentions you should run hammer.exe which is almost correct....hammer.bat is preferred.  It also says you should add tf.fgd and base.fgd added to Hammer's "Game Data Files" (Game Configuration tab) under Tools->Options menu, which is wrong.  You should only have one FGD file in there which is tf.fgd, or more specifically it should say $SteamUserDir\Team Fortress 2\bin\tf.fgd

In step 5 it says to re-add the displacement-painting brushes, but this has already been fixed.

Jump Help / Re: Waterfalls in hammer
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:30:07 AM »
Make a prop_static entity, right click its properties, go to World Model and press the Browse button...that will pop open the Model Browser where you can filter for "waterfall".

@Afterglow: Hammer works with SteamPipe now, although not perfectly yet.  It's in beta, so you have to opt in.  More info here.

Jump Help / Re: Hammer problem
« on: May 01, 2013, 02:07:43 PM »
If you were smart enough to back up the old GCF files, you can still use Hammer according to this post of

Personally I managed to make Steam think I uninstalled the SDK even though I put the files back after moving them around, so I think I'm kinda fucked, but oh well....I hope Valve gets the new SDK working soon.

General Discussion / Re: Steam Pipe
« on: April 25, 2013, 03:35:40 PM »
so where do i put my translucent viewmodels now ?
i have tried putting it as a .vpk in custom, as a folder in custom, leaving it in download and putting it directly into materials/models/weapons. Nothing works

I'm waiting for the update on the 30th, but I'm guessing you'd put them in something like:

Code: [Select]
if you made a vpk of the materials, it would go into tf/custom/lots_of_custom_stuff/

Also, of course you can change "lots_of_custom_stuff" to anything you want.  It's all explained here.

General Discussion / Re: Steam Pipe
« on: April 22, 2013, 02:09:05 PM »
I believe this is the update that converts us over from GCF files to VPK files (they're the huge gigabyte files in Steam/steamapps).  With all the files getting move around and a different file format for the game archives, all SDK tools and third party tools will need to be updated.  We'll be getting a new SDK, but one can only guess whether tools like Hammer will still work properly after everything's converted.

There's some talk (mostly speculation and fears) about SDK changes on the TF2Maps forum here, if interested.

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