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Topics - duppy

Pages: [1]
I just wanted to share a little mod I put together that makes stickies easier to see, especially in dark areas.  It's basically a combination of two mods I found on GameBanana, with some small tweaks by myself.  Picture here showing the stickies in the light and in dark shadow:

Download link

To install it, copy sticky-bombs-glow-in-the-dark.vpk to your tf/custom/ folder, which should be something like:

Code: [Select]
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\sticky-bombs-glow-in-the-dark.vpk
To uninstall, just delete the files above.

BTW, these texture replacements will only work on server that allow customizations, like the Jump iT servers.

Jump Help / conc offline?
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:06:46 PM »
Quick it possible to conc jump offline, or do you have to set up your own server with a conc mod?

Got a strange leak even though you swear you've been good about staying on the grid while making all your jump map's bsp geometry?  Did you make huge trigger_hurt, func_regen, or trigger_teleports surrounding an area? Does the error maybe looks like this?

Code: [Select]
**** leaked ****
Entity trigger_hurt (5632.00 -7552.00 896.00) leaked!

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (11776.0 13312.0 3616.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

Here's a screenshot of where the actual error is:
(Note: I photoshop'd it to highlight bsp geometry in green and the trigger_hurt in orange/brown)

In the screenshot, the trigger_hurt is selected (displayed with a red and yellow dashed line).  Notice its center point (displayed as a red circle, outlined in white) is sitting outside in the void...this is what causes the error.

To fix it, all you need to do is make sure that the center point of that entity is inside your map and not touching the void.  So an easy solution is to just make the trigger_hurt a bit bigger until its center point is inside the hallway shown in the screenshot:

...or you can be a little cleaner about things and make the trigger_hurt fit exactly inside. 

You don't have to make it fit perfectly, but always make sure your entity's center point is inside, and not touching the void.  In the Hammer editor 3d view, if you have "Show Helpers" enabled, you'll see the center point as a purple sphere, and in the 2d views it will show up as either an 'x' or an 'o' attention to those when creating entities!

BTW, the screenshots above are from a decompiled version of jump_nbn_b4b (a demo map).  I was trying to figure out why this map had no lighting (aka fullbright), and eventually found that the BSP geometry was perfectly fine, but it had a lot of huge trigger_hurt, func_regen, and trigger_teleport entities that surrounded large areas.  Once I moved the center points of those entities inside, the map compiled with no leaks.  Now I'm adding lighting, but since it's not my map, I'm not sure I'll spend much time making it look better, or if I'll bother to release it.

EDIT: I've noticed that it's not actually the center point (the 'x') that has to be inside your map, but if the entity has an "Origin" property, it's the 'o' symbol must be inside, and its 'x' center point can be outside in the void if you want.  Click spoiler below to see a picture of it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Feedback / Put Jujump iT on server list, pls
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:21:23 PM »
Jujump iT server needs to be added to the list on  I see it on the main forum page, but not the server page :(

General Discussion / Idea for a jump map + video intro
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:14:09 PM »
I was just looking at the TF2Jump logo that härd redwine made, and I thought....hmm, that could be an actual jump map if you imagined it viewed from above!  Lots or right angled lines and a few curves which is easy to make in the Hammer map editor.

Then I thought it would be cool to use it as a jump video intro, like in some future Dellort jump vid.  Imagine you see someone jumping on that map for a few seconds, and then suddenly the camera pulls way out into the sky (while looking downward), and you see map is composed of the letters T F 2 J U M P...then cross fade in the real logo on top.

Heh, anyway, just sharing some random idea.  I have some experience making maps, but I'm currently (and slowly!) working on a map I want to finish first.  I may attempt it in the future, but I wouldn't be hurt if someone took the idea ;)

General Discussion / Console error spam?
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:54:14 PM »
Just curious, does anyone else get their console spammed with messages like this:

Attempt to set particle collection rocketjump_smoke to invalid orientation matrix

Model '(null)' doesn't have attachment 'backblast' to attach particle system 'rocketbackblast' to.

...I'm pretty sure it's safe to ignore them, but sometimes it's spammed so much, like a 100 errors a second it seems, and the scrollbar goes crazy.  I did the whole "verify integrity of game cache" thing, and it's always perfectly fine.  Anyway, like I said, I'm just curious if it's just me or what.


Jump IT / JuJump iT / Skeys a bit broken?
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:34:26 PM »
Is it just me or is /skeys a bit broken when displaying jump and duck keys?  W,A,S,D seem to update perfectly, but jump and duck sometimes don't appear at all...and they also seem to flicker when displaying sometimes.  Is there anyone who can maybe fix it?

Note: this is for single player only; don't put it on the jump server!

I think I'm done messing with this map for now, so I figured I'd let you guys play with it if you're interested in seeing how high or how far you can jump (for science!).  Basically the map is two rooms: one that lets you dynamically adjust the height of a tower, and the other room lets you adjust the horizontal gap distance of a other words, one for testing jump heights and one for testing jump distances.

Each room has some triangular buttons that let you adjust how many unit to adjust the tower/platform, with a maximum of 2000 units.  There are also some square buttons on the wall that are for resetting back to zero, although the tower room will cycle between 0, 500 and 1000 units.


Some random things to know:
  • Blue team spawns in tower room, Red team spawns in horizontal platform room.
  • The tower room is adjusted so the Z position of "cl_showpos 1" is zero (actually 0.3), although this only applies for soldier, demoman, engineer, and pyro.
  • The tower room has small pools of water to test rocket jumps out of water which gives a big boost.
  • Regen in the tower room only surrounds the wooden area around the tower and extends upward; on horizontal platform side, it covers the surface of the moving platform and part of the starting area.
  • This map isn't just for rocket jumping with soldier, so try other classes too.
  • To my knowledge, 691 units is the highest crouch-tap, and 627 units is the highest normal rocket jump; see if you can beat it ;)
  • My hope with this map is that people will discover and share their jump heights/distances they've achieved, so if you've gathered some good data, please post it here on the forum.

Known bugs:
  • If you try to set the number past 2000, it will bug out.  The numbers will appear to go past 2000 units, but it won't really, and if you try to decrease it after that, the numbers will be incorrect.  If this happens, shoot the square button on the wall to reset.
  • Your current Z position (height) can possibly get out of sync if you're on the tower while adjusting values, or if you jump when the tower is moving, or if you take fall damage landing on the tower.  Verify your Z position with "cl_showpos 1", and reset back to zero by shooting the square button if you need to.
  • If you use something like Chris' maxframes config to tweak your graphics settings, it might disable overlays, which ends up hiding the numbers on the wall.  If you don't see the green numbers on the wall, type in "r_renderoverlayfragment 1" (without quotes) in the developer console to enable overlays again.


Jump Videos / Jump video playlists
« on: January 15, 2013, 10:08:56 PM »
Has anyone made their own YouTube playlists of jumping videos?  I started making my own, but I can't say they'll ever be "complete" or updated frequently.  To start off, I pretty much went through all the posts in this Jump Videos section of the forum and added them to different playlists.

Playlist Links:
Soldier Jump Videos
Demoman Jump Videos
Engineer Jump Videos
Trick Jumping Compilations

BTW, as I was going through the forum, there were a few that were removed by the user (on youtube) and some that youtube removed for copyright infringement or whatever.  I'm wondering if someone should actually be archiving these videos just to preserve some of the tf2 jumping community history...or maybe nobody takes it that seriously, I dunno.  Just a thought.

General Discussion / How to pumpkin jump (on local server)
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:50:37 AM »
Ever wanted to try jumping with those pumpkin bombs? I found out it's really easy, and pretty damn fun too.  No fancy server mods or anything.

Just start a local server by going to the developer console, and load any jump map (any map really)...

Code: [Select]
map jump_4starters_a9
Once the map is loaded, type this in, which will make your right mouse button spawn a pumpkin where you're looking and immediately shoot it, creating sort of a rocket jump effect...

Code: [Select]
sv_cheats 1
hurtme -999999999
alias +pumpkin "ent_create tf_pumpkin_bomb; +attack; impulse 101"
alias -pumpkin "-attack"
bind mouse2 +pumpkin

Note: To undo the bind after you're done messing around with all this, the default for mouse2 is
Code: [Select]
bind mouse2 "+attack2"
I mostly like using scout with pistol or sniper with smg.

Some things to try make it more challenging/fun...

try not to touch the ground, and just "pogo" through all the jumps that you possibly can

use a slow reloading gun, and don't spam pumpkins

increase gravity (default 800)
Code: [Select]
sv_gravity 1200
turn on thirdperson (firstperson to switch back)
Code: [Select]


Load up jump_annex_v2 and instead of making pumpkins, just bind a key to "hurtme -100" (smaller values blast you higher) and you get kind of a jet pack effect with just a small vertical boost, even in midair.  Personally I like to use the Pyro with any flame thrower weapon (just for the flame effect), in third person using these commands:

Code: [Select]
sv_cheats 1
alias +jetpack "hurtme -100; ent_fire !self ignite; +attack"
alias -jetpack "-attack"
bind mouse2 +jetpack
sv_gravity 1000

I dunno why it work that way on annex...gotta decompile it to see what kind of craziness it's doing.

Anyway, I was just messing around and thought I'd share.  BTW, nothing special is needed for this, just plain ol' stock TF2 install is fine.

Jump IT / JuJump iT / Remove jump_noob2_ab from Jump IT please
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:46:48 PM »
Can we please get jump_noob2_ab removed from Jump IT.  I know Jump IT is for the more advanced jump maps, but I rarely ever see anyone get past the very first jump.  Also, people are always voting for this map because they see the word "noob" and assume it will be easy.  Besides that, the map just looks horrible with no lighting.   Get rid of it!

Jump IT / JuJump iT / List of Jump IT user commands
« on: February 19, 2012, 06:02:05 PM »
Is there a list of commands somewhere?  I thought I'd find a sticky post here with that kind of info, but I don't see anything. 

I'll start a list for now, and try to update it as I get more info.

Chat commands:

Note: you can also prefix with the '!' character (example, !s), but it will appear in the chat window.  The '/' prefix will hide commands from chat, which is preferred.

  • /s or /ja_save or /jm_saveloc  - save your current map location
  • /t or /ja_tele or /jm_teleport - teleport to your saved location

  • /reset - teleports you back to the start of the map and keeps your save location
  • /restart - teleports you back to the start of the map and clears your save location

  • /undo - restores your previous save location.

  • /regen on - turns on health and ammo regeneration
  • /regen off - turns off health and ammo regeneration
  • /setmy regen on - permanently enable regen across map changes and server restarts

  • /health - toggle health regeneration on or off
  • /health on - turns on health regeneration
  • /health off - turns off health regeneration

  • /ammo - toggle ammo regeneration on or off
  • /ammo on - turns on ammo regeneration
  • /ammo off - turns off ammo regeneration

  • /hardcore - Disabled saving and teleporting.  Also plays a different sound when completing the map.
  • /skeys - display text on the screen showing what keys are being pressed by you or someone you're spectating.  Only W, A, S, D, Duck, and Jump keys are shown.
  • /stoptimer - stops the speed run timer
  • /hide - hides other players (useful on crowded jumps.  Use !hide again to unhide yourself)
  • /superman - makes you immune to all damage.  Use the command again to make yourself vulnerable to damage.
  • /fov <angle> - changes your field of view.  <angle> can range from 0 to 360
  • /colorme <color> - tints the color of your character.  <color> can be black, red, green, yellow, purple. cyan, orange, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue, silver, chocolate, saddlebrown, ghostwhite, thistle, aliceblue, steelblue, teal, gold, tan, tomato, random, or normal (to reset it).
  • /me <text> - displays text as an action, similar to IRC.  Example: /me waves to everyone!  ...which will display "duppy waves to everyone!" in the chat window.
  • /bhop - allows you to bunnyhop (like in Counter Strike: Source).  Hold down your jump key to continually jump.
  • /quadme - enables quad damage (actually 2.5x), which boosts your rocket jump (sticky and conc too I'm guessing) even more than usual.  Only available on quad and conc jump maps. Tip: on a conc map with soldier, try using The Direct Hit and the quadme command for a little fun.
  • /conchelp - Displays text on screen to help you with conc timing.
  • nominate - allows you pick a map that will be added to the map voting list.  Note: this command is not prefixed by a '/' or '!'.

Console commands:

The following are useful for key binds and scripts.  Example: open the developer console (~ key) and type in something like "bind Q +conc" to make your Q key throw conc grenades.

  • +conc - allows you to throw concussion grenades (excludes soldier, demoman, engineer, and pyro). Note: the further away your are (but still inside the explosion radius) the more you get pushed by the explosion.
  • +bungee - gives you a grappling hook that attaches to walls and players and acts like a bungee cord (spy class only?)
  • ja_save - save your current map location
  • ja_tele - teleport to your saved location
  • ja_reset - teleports you back to the start of the map and keeps your save location
  • ja_restart - teleports you back to the start of the map and clears your save location
  • sm_* - Most chat command can also be used as console commands by appending 'sm_'.  For example, sm_s will save your location, sm_hide will hide other players, etc.

A more complete list would be nice,  so if any server admins can help, it'd be appreciated.

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