So I've decided to make a map, and there are lots of things wrong with it, but i want to give it to you guys to test it out and decide for yourselves on a scale of 1 to 10 how good it is. (tell me on steam chat or in the replies)Its going to have problems in it like floating objects in the skybox (i don't know how to fix) brief explanation of why i named this map jump_früh... so in German (because i like studying German) früh means early, and i made the lighting in this map kind of like the morning i don't really know how to make it morning in source sdk with the light_environment. It looks like its transitioning from evening to night. If there are any problems with the map, for Ex. it crashes. Please notify me so I can fix it. Link: you want to tell me how much it sucks or how much it rocks, tell me in steam chat, rather than a reply (because I don't go on this website to often)(I try) thanks for participating if you do. oh yea and watch out for sharks
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 09:57:12 PM by FEARthexDino »
rofl waffles