Announcing bans is generally against the rules, i'd know i'm an active admin, I'd report your post but I fear you'll just abuse your powers again. Try doing your job and fixing legitimate reports rather than banning those trying to make the world a better place.
Please be more constructive, I understand it's hilarious how poorly we're treated but "lol" isn't considered even half a post.
1/10 for getting me to post. Go read Atlas Shrugged again.
Sorry I only read good books. Dear god, I haven't stopped laughing since I opened the thread.
You must be SOOOO proud. I have no idea what is going on... I hope to god this is a troll post, otherwise...Man up, Buttercup.
Who do you think you are calling me a troll? Men like you are ruining the world. Yes. Full heartedly yes.
Thanks for the support.
the office: :>