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Author Topic: my pogo try  (Read 1254 times)

Posts: 4
i worked very much on it and this is result...

« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 07:09:38 PM by princehektor »
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
You do not understand what a speedshot is, I only saw 1 speedshot through the video and it looked unintentional. 90% of that was just pogo and a little ramp slide. A speedshot means you can fall from any height as long as your rocket hits at the same time as you do and not because you're low enough that the splash damage pushes you back up.

A speedshot is where you and the rocket hit the ground at the same time, the result is you will gain a lot of speed and usually bounce high. This video calls it a 'skip' but it usually gets called either, check 3:50 for what you want.

TF2 rocket jumping: the ultimate tf2 rocket jumping tutorial I HD

I can't remember but from memory that laser rocket launcher is slightly weaker and makes it harder to jump with for that reason. This thread has links to ammo scripts and some other things you may be interested in.,568.0.html


Posts: 4
i see. i must work on it more...

Posts: 133
Team Fortress 2 : jump_QuBA

I think this is a good example of a speedshot on jump_QuBA which is itself a good jump map to start on

EDIT: The jump starts at about 1:43
Offline  HBC

Posts: 36

I can't remember but from memory that laser rocket launcher is slightly weaker and makes it harder to jump with for that reason.
i'd like to note that the damage of the rocket-launcher shouldn't affect rocket-jumping at all, because rocket-jumps are based on the base damage, not the modified damage.
case-in-point: direct hit, which doesn't give any jumping advantages despite having a bonus damage modifier.

Posts: 630
rocket-jumps are based on the base damage, not the modified damage.
case-in-point: direct hit, which doesn't give any jumping advantages despite having a bonus damage modifier.

And rocket jumper, which does 0 damage.

Posts: 4
am i right
when doing speedshots i must take fall damage. isnt it ???

Posts: 630
am i right
when doing speedshots i must take fall damage. isnt it ???

Not necessarily, but you do need to be landing.

Posts: 105
speedshots are not really hard if you know the timing: shot when you think it IS too late.
try it out.

Posts: 4
speedshots are not really hard if you know the timing: shot when you think it IS too late.
try it out.

i started working. and i am shoting when 0.25 sec before landing. it worked %70 :)
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