as some people already know, i'm making a mod which gives people 8 guns (atm) and has the ability to spread powerups/ammo/medkits/spawnpositions in a map, according to .cfg files
so ye, i figured i'd make a thread for it, in case of suggestions or... i dunno, whatever
more complete list of features (not all in yet, definitly not all final yet, still needs balance and fixes)
-configurable spawns
-configurable ammo/powerup/medkit locations
-8 weapons, (might make them configurable later on, and might expand it to 10 or something)
-no fall damage + gunboats for easy movement
-tf_damageforcescale_other 10.0 (normal = 6.0, normal to self = 10.0, meaning, i simply made damage push others the same amount as they would push yourself, instead of standard which is to give others a reduction in said power)
-tf_boost_drain_time 120.0, this is for the health overheal, to not go away so quickly, because otherwise the megahealth and boosters just drain way too quick to be usefull
-option to lock objectives and make the map tdm mode (not in yet)
Small explanation of the 8guns
You either start with flamethrower and minigun, or with all weapons (depends on a cvar)
if you start with just basic weaponry the idea is to pick up new guns which are scattered around the map (they also provide the ammo for them)
if you start with all guns... just go crazy i guess

the 8 guns are atm: (not sure if the centerfire attribute works for all guns tho)
flamethrower, -40%damage, -50% airblast cost, centerfire
minigun, -65% damage, firerate 40% slower (still seems quick tho), aiming movespeed +175% meaning solly speed -20, spinuptime -50%, spread -50%, centerfire
scattergun, +20% damage, centerfire
blutsauger, +75% damage, 5hp per hit, projectile range boost +150%, centerfire
ambassador, +10% damage, headshot possible, centerfire
grenade launcher, -10% damage, +150% slower firerate (but i kinda think its not working), centerfire
rocketlauncher, centerfire
sniperrifle, no headshot, 100damage, centerfire, display tracer (dont think the tracer works atm)
powerups are atm:
speed gives the solly whip speed buff, boots model
kritz gives kritz, sword model
uber gives uber, saxxy award model
mega gives 200hp, cake model
booster gives 10hp, cupcake model
bigboost gives 75hp, sandvich model
red gives 100armor, no model yet
yellow gives 50armor, helmet model
shard gives 5armor, shield model
regen gives regen, health sign model
i plan to also have invis, regen, minicrit, and maybe some more
Commands to bind: (since for some stupid reason i can't hook valves normal command for switching guns)
switchnext (switches to next gun)
switchprev (switches to previous gun)
switchgun # (where # is a number from 1-8, basically a bind to individual gun)
ive myself got 2 configs files to switch between normal and chocolate binds, in case anyone wants:
http://www64.zippyshare.com/v/44013943/file.htmlhttp://www64.zippyshare.com/v/81221547/file.htmlcopy them to /tf/cfg/
exec vanilla once, and afterward switch between vanilla and chocolate with l (or whatever you changed it to)
and check with your config.cfg if my normal binds arent different, although hey, checking both to see wether the binds would be to your liking would be even better, ahwell do what you want
ok.. i think i mostly covered everything... so ye.. questions + suggestions + bugreports or whatever, pls here