Hello, Good Morning .. Seeing alot of people asking where to start jumping? or where are the maps for speeds, doubles, wallclimb, and more?  It'd be helpful to make a topic named "Jump Maps + Walkthroughs". where the top jump players meet together and classify the jump maps by the difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard) and each level has it's own replay e.g. Easy level maps is replay #1 in the topic. and put a download link + photo of the major thing in the map [Optional] + what major skills in the map (like speeds, wallclimb, and more) [Optional] + youtube walkthrough video. it'd be like this: "Jump_map_name" "Pic_of_the_map" "major_skill" "youtube_walkthorugh_video" or combined the jump map name with pic of the map in one pic sized 350 * 100 pixels [I can do this - just need the maps major area pics like in the website]. and if the map doesn't have a walkthrough .. some volunteer and show some of his/her skills It'd really help alot of people and it'll be a good reference and ofc will be updated when a new map release.  I hope this helps the jumping community and I'd be happy to help in any matter :]
"If you stand for Nothing .. you will fall for Anything"