I'm gonna go through each stage of the map one-by-one.
Start: Very pretty map. I like the detailing, and I like that you can get to the hard course by going up top. It should be a bit more obvious that the bottom is the easy course and that the top is the hard course, though. (I just noticed that there is a red light on the hard course and a blue light on the easy course, but it still isn't very obvious that they are two separate courses.) Jump 1: Standard jump, no complaints. Jump 2: The walls you need to shoot off are oddly shaped, making the jump kind of difficult. Jump 3: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. Jump 4: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. Jump 5: Height is comfortable for doubles, no issues. Jump 6: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. Jump 7: Not an issue, but why are there the force fields everywhere, yet you can go through them here? Jump 8: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. Jump 9: The walls are very sticky, making this jump incredibly annoying, and I ended up cheating and wallclimbing up the side. It also isn't clear that you are supposed to pogo on the top part, which should be changed. Jump 10: After the first climb, switching to a pogo with slanted edges is pretty frustrating (and the two surfaces don't even connect well). Also, the last platform is not needed because the jurf makes you fast enough to skip over it. Jump 11: It doesn't say the name of this jump for some reason. The ending thing should also look more like a button, and after shooting it, I'd suggest making the tunnel open up like a lid instead of sliding off. It looks cooler and makes the tunnel a bit easier to get into. Jump 12: I had the same issue as Guyyst that the speed gets cancelled or significantly slowed, which is probably because the angle of the ramp is a bit high. Jump 13: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. This jump should also have something indicating when to switch off a wall. I'd suggest a blue arrow pointing up for when to switch backwards to the pogo and a blue arrow pointing right for when to switch right. Also, the last wallclimb wall is black, which I don't think was intended. Jump 14: There is no clear indication of what is a teleport, but it is relatively obvious. Jump 15: The second letter in the jump name is a diamond with a question mark in it, showing that it is some symbol I don't have. Not a huge issue, by any means, but I thought I'd point it out. I really like this jump, though I'd suggest moving the double platform down a bit, because the height feels a bit awkward. Jump 16: The slanted edge of the starting platform messes up my initial jump quite often. Moving the teleport_destination back a bit might help fix this issue. Personally, I don't really like this jump, but I know you wouldn't remove it or drastically change it. Moving the ending platform down slightly would improve the jump a lot, though, because the wall you have to climb is sticky, making it difficult to climb up. Jump 17: I'm assuming this jump is meant to be done with a speedshot, but it is far easier to not do one. You should make it clear that the jump doesn't end after the water double, possibly by angling the platform above the first waterfall or by getting rid of the platform entirely. I found myself not getting much height from the jurf, so I ended up wallclimbing up the pipe, and I wasn't sure if that was something you wanted to be possible or not. If so, the walls of the tunnel are sticky, so it is a bit annoying to climb up, and you are also able to stand on the edge of the very last ramp and just jump up because there is no teleport on it.
Although all of that may sound like a lot, most of these critiques are pretty minor and wouldn't require immense amounts of work. I figured I'd just be thorough to improve the map as much as possible. Overall, the map is pretty solid, pretty fun, and pretty nice-looking. If possible, you should add the ability to go back to previous jumps after beating them by going back through the white squares.
 klanana: I DID NOT EAT THE CAT dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.