behold, (probably) my last map, jump_gateway (name courtesy of combustion)'ll be last release if there aren't any major flaws (bad teleports, no func_nogrenades, etc) soldier map; 15 easy-intermediate jumps, 14 advanced jumps. with ever-so-amazing dev textures 3rd and 4th bonus courtesy of combustion as for videos, there's a 20000 unit droppogo (2/3 the height of the termywermy vert airpogo bonus), sooo take that in mind. ------------- changelog ------------- gateway_final - lighted up 4th bonus more - lowered the glass (a lot) on 4th bonus - fixed teleport on hardjump2 - made some aesthetics changes gateway_a1 - initial release screenies   
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 04:21:12 AM by Torii »