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Author Topic: Jump_RvR  (Read 1365 times)
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
Hey everyone,

Risk versus Reward LINKEY:

Map is for Demoman, has 60 jumps total, 2 courses + 5 bonus + 2 secret + small freestyle room for soldiers

Ofcourse it's pretty strafe heavy. (ghehe)
the walls are nearly all useable so anything could be slowpogod by demos (not sollys cos of holes in roof/floor to go through)
Most jumps do have fairly specific intentions, though because i like 3style jumps, i don't limit much on this map, so go crazy in how you do 'm :D

i thought i made the start jumps relatively easy, but i've heard from people that tested it that it's still quite hard even there, so ye.... guess i failed at easy jumps again :S

Bug reports are welcome, as is any feedback/suggestions
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 05:05:13 AM by CrancK »

Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
Slowpogo fest in-coming

Posts: 61
Jon Bon Jovi of course
3 seems to be easier than 2 and on 4 at the strafe of the last ledge is no teleporter as there should be :P

It wasn't me, but Jon Bon Jovi of course.

Posts: 57
Just call me trey
It's very cruel to have a bunch of unmarked doors at the start and no back teleports. I still haven't found level 1

From what i've seen of the map (by noclipping back to the freestyle area lots of times), it's very cleanly designed. I like the freestyle area a lot, too. There's also a lot of opportunity for freestyling within the levels, which is great. Definitely finish this
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
checking this thread i'd nearly think the map is as good as done, seeing as only 3 comments with only 1 saying something to improve the map.

Or maybe its just soooo horrible people don't wanna comment on it?

ahwell, im just posting out of sheer boredom at work anyway though, but still.. lack of comments on this ppls, get to it ^^


As for memorizing for myself somethingys:

-tp last course2 not working
-tp course2, jump down -> under -> up -> strafe, missing tpblock but working tp
-tp last course1 goes to course2 instead of freestyle area
-tp jump 2stick-> strafe like a mofo, last ledge tp missing/not grouped to tpgroup
-freestyle room to small
-need to get logic shit in for bonus and secret tps
-....................prolly more............

EDIT: ohw Treynolds, as i said above, don't mind the numbers, they are totally off atm, i think you start at like nr 41, but it is jump1

Also the 3rd door shouldnt be there once i finish the map (itll be invis till people finish course 2, just like bonus 5 will be like and maybe secret 1&2 aswell)

« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 08:20:05 AM by CrancK »


Posts: 57
Just call me trey
I can give better criticism once the numbers are in order and you have a semblance of a difficulty curve, I only sampled the map before and sort of skimmed past a few difficult parts
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
hmmmm okay

Offline  Tom

Posts: 27
Yep, it's just not really very 'user friendly' at the moment, if you label all the jumps properly in order and sort them by difficulty (at least a bit, obviously wont be a very accurate curve)  I think you will get lots more feedback.

So far from what I played through (about 15 levels) the jumps are really good (i like the strafe :D ).
Offline  Shunix

Posts: 167
you should split the map into 3 different maps maybe then it will be more user friendly

also you should make more freestyle thingies 

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
hmmm no, im not gonna split it, i will make the freestyle area have some more rooms though

i'll make sure to put the numbers correct for next version


Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
In doors 1 and 2 it seems like there are faulty teleports and and the courses just stop. Can get through like 30 lvls total and I can't get to the rest. In door 2 it's the level marked as 22 that has a bad end tele. Door 1 ends with the level marked as 43, but the level doesn't go anywhere (no end tele at all). Also, is there any reason to split the map up into two courses? They felt about the same difficulty honestly.

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
yes i know them things, i've fixed most/all the faulty tps by now and i've put in a tp at end of course 2

As for reason to divide them, mostly because it's 53 jumps.

And afaik 2nd course is definitly harder then 1st, or at least people take much longer per jump on course 2 then on course 1 from what i've seen

(i also have 1st course fully textured now)

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
b1 now out

its mostly all textured now, only some i missed, it should have all tps working
NOTE on tps, 1st course is active straight away, 2nd course unlocks once you finish first, and bonus unlock when you finish 2nd (and the other 3 bonuses unlock when you done the first 2 bonuses)
and its all lit up now

freestyle area isnt done yet, so thats still to do

also if some mappers knows how to get blocks to go invis -> visible... that would be cool, cos like i want the tpdoors that arent active yet to appear when they are active, so ppl dont get confused
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 05:36:32 PM by CrancK »

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
are my maps that un-commentable?

is there really nothing positive NOR negative to say about it? or anything!?

Offline  alle

Posts: 103
i like it

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