checking this thread i'd nearly think the map is as good as done, seeing as only 3 comments with only 1 saying something to improve the map.
Or maybe its just soooo horrible people don't wanna comment on it?
ahwell, im just posting out of sheer boredom at work anyway though, but still.. lack of comments on this ppls, get to it ^^
As for memorizing for myself somethingys:
-tp last course2 not working -tp course2, jump down -> under -> up -> strafe, missing tpblock but working tp -tp last course1 goes to course2 instead of freestyle area -tp jump 2stick-> strafe like a mofo, last ledge tp missing/not grouped to tpgroup -freestyle room to small -need to get logic shit in for bonus and secret tps -....................prolly more............
EDIT: ohw Treynolds, as i said above, don't mind the numbers, they are totally off atm, i think you start at like nr 41, but it is jump1
Also the 3rd door shouldnt be there once i finish the map (itll be invis till people finish course 2, just like bonus 5 will be like and maybe secret 1&2 aswell)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 08:20:05 AM by CrancK »