kairu, the classes each have their own speedcaps, heavy being... 230 i think?
(so speedcaps per class, and an overall speedcap as absolute maxspeed on ground)
so each time he hits the ground itll reset to 230, now as most ppl will have noticed when trying to bhop after a rocketjump, or on downward slopes or stuff, sometimes your speed will not reset and you ACTUALLY bhop as in retain your speed, this however i can not replicate consistently, thus actual bhop seems impossible (even with scripts)
however, airaccel ofc gives some power, say you stay in air for 2sec, and with airaccel 10, that could give you 20ish speed extra on a jump, without bhop cos its just strafing (or a longjump as its called in css i think)
(in fact d = Vo*t + .5at^2 so ? = 230*2 + .5*10*2^2 = 480 units far jump for heavy with optimal strafing?
(assuming he stays in air for 2sec, i just guessed something for that)
(so i may have got something wrong there though but just as example)
to come back to the 520 cap, with mods i can change classes maxspeed, but i can't increase them beyond 520
so thats the overall maxcap
although once again, sometimes the engine breaks and a bhop works
and notice, that in my testing it seems to work most often around 700-800 ish speed, or below it, but that may just be cos its harder to time bhop at higher speeds, and all in all, in no way have i got it to be consistent
(all of the above in turn then also explains that my bhop mods dont actually give bhop, since they make you jump before it considers you to be onground cos otherwise the cap would be 520, which i asked valve to make a softcap or changeable.. but they dont wanna

EDIT: oops one thing i forgot, if valve is consistent in how they check the speed vectors, then the speedcaps per class are slightly higher then the ones listed here
https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/TF2/Team_Fortress_2_Mapper%27s_Referencebut only if you have speed in more then 1 direction (which is hard not to have since moving at exactly 0/90/180/270 or 360 degrees is kinda hard)
so if indeed valve is consistent, then you should be able to go fastest when going 45/135/225 or 315 degrees
didnt test that though, so mere speculation but ye... in other cases regarding speed valve checks per float, so if they also do that for groundspeed, then all this should be relatively accurate
EDIT2: also 1lolol7, im interested, could you make a similar clip like that but with cl_showpos 1 showing? or even better yet with /speedo from tf2turbo, or one of my bhop plugins (since that one only displays horizontal speed which is what we are after)
i'd just like to make sure, maybe valve changed something i'm not aware of in the mvm stuff, since they did change a damn lot in those updates