April 4, 2012
It's competition time! Create your own original jumps (2 entries allowed per person) in sdk hammer and send them to Drexen. Jumps submitted will be used to create a new map: jump_collab. Once the map is finished, a vote will determine who's jump was the best! Prizes will be paid via paypal.
First Place: $30.00
Second Place: $10.00
Official Rules
The map is for soldier, so making solly jumps is prolly a good idea.
Deadline is 29th of April
You can enter with 1-2 jumps each
Both your jumps can win, one guy might win the whole prize pool if both his/hers jumps gets the most votes.
Detail it as much or little you want and in whatever manner, dev texture is fine.
Keep the size of the jump(s) within reason - don't make any jumps that cover half of the grid-map
For more information, visit the Forum Thread or get in touch with Hadokk.
About the Author: Klanana
Owner of Jump iT!, JuJump iT!, Surf iT!, Bball iT!, & MGE iT! And the only person who puts articles on the site... damnit!