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$75 prize to the best voted demoman jump map created by the end of July 31st.


Rules & FAQ Below.

1.) Must be Demoman Jump Map.
2.) Must be new and original
3.) Must be at least 10 Jumps
4.) Must be submitted on or before July 31st.
5.) You Must Register by July 1st to enter. (see FAQ below)


1.) How Do I register? Answer: Please register by replying to this thread. Post alias,country, and steam name.

2.) How will I get paid? Answer: Through paypal or amazon gift card.

3.) How will the winner be chosen? Answer: It will be tested then voted on by the entire jump community through a poll.

4.) Any prizes for 2nd or 3rd place? Answer: Yes but not money prizes.

5.) Can anyone enter? Answer: Of course including international.

6.) Does it need textures? Answer: Entirely up to you.

7.) How do I submit my map after completion? Answer: Leave a comment and an admin will contact you directly through PM with instructions.

Currently Registered:
Dr. Whooo
Frank Fly

POSTED IN: Competitions

About the Author: härd redwine

Redwine is the current owner and operator of TF2 Jump. He develops and maintains all back-end systems. He also helps run the iT server network and provides maintenance/support for rush's plugins.

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About TF2 Jump and Jumping

We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
