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Author Topic: Crouching while airstrafing  (Read 1051 times)

Posts: 133
I've seen the opinion expressed a few times on /r/truetf2 that crouching whilst airstrafing makes no difference to the control whilst airstrafing. However, I've seen it said here that it does, and I've always thought it does. Who is right?
Offline  MIKE`

Posts: 60
crouching does nothing.

neither does busting out your equalizer or whatever it's called now while you're in the air

Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
Does the equalizer (escape plan) help strafes at low health? Playing bball I could swear it does, but then again I also have no clue how Source handles strafing and what not.
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
crouching does nothing.

neither does busting out your equalizer or whatever it's called now while you're in the air

Offline  Exile

Posts: 399
Couldn't think of something clever to put
Does the equalizer (escape plan) help strafes at low health? Playing bball I could swear it does, but then again I also have no clue how Source handles strafing and what not.

I think it's just the added speed that makes it feel like that.

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
interesting though, cos... the speedgain from equalizer "should" give you more airstrafe power (as in more toward medic & scout power), true though, that even that is hardly noticable

but as far as i know.. the equalizer simply ups your maxspeed, which does give you more airstrafe power.

or at the very least, when i up maxspeed with mods, it gives more airstrafe power, so obviously i assume the same goes for equalizer, unless... the buff it applies works in a different way.. which is possible... but not all that likely, i could check via mod, but meh.. even if it is so, its not enough to truely make that much difference anyway

so ye.. im not sure... but i think it should, but then again, valve is silly about a lot of things.. so it would actually not surprise me if equalizer gave speed in an strange/silly way

Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
I remember when Valve updated TF2 and made it impossible to strafe while holding crouch.
Luckily, they patched it, but it was hard to re-adjust for that week or however long it was.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.

Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
I am so confused right now.

Posts: 4
I cry in the corner when I see one of Mikes videos
Yes crouching doesn't effect you're strafing, all though I use it, you don't have too

Pro Tip: There will always be some one better than you.
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