So I'm thinking of starting another map comp of some sort, this time it will be a freestyle theme. I'm kind of into the whole collaboration style of work, but I'm not sure how well it would play out with a freestyle map. Still I'm prefering to have it collaby because then it will be, hopefully, one awesome map instead of x number of halfarsed ones. Then again it will be hard to decide who's the winner. Seing as you would probaly just have made a certain part of the map and the quality of it would depend on a number of things, like what the parts around it are like, where it's placed.
I think the best way for the competition to be collaby is if it could be like minecraft, you go in a server and work on your section of the map and then it will be probaly be a more dynamic map as you could see what the others are doing and adapt your section to it. But then, this isn't Minecraft and the only way I can see it work something like that is if the map is passad around, which would be cool, but probaly a real pain after a while. Like you could have the map for a certain amount of time, pass it to the next person who will work on it and so forth. Anyway, this passing around way of creating a map has been discussed before and I haven't really seen any real benefits in it. But with a freestyle map it would be a bit different, as your section is dependent on others.
Anyway, I could go on for a bit with this without coming to any conclusion. I'm thinking of options for this comp, here are a few:
Every contestant make their own map, prizing will be similiar to the collab-comp.
Every contestant make a section of the map, prizing will go to individuals based on something, like which section of the map is most played or used for jumps. Or just voted for.
Contestants make a section of the map, money either goes to JumpIt and Chillout or everyone who participate gets something.
We have an idea-box and everyone can contribute with ideas or even draw how parts of the map could look like, someone builds it (open tests on a regular basis for feedback etc). Prize... dunno.
Anyway, feel free to come up with own ideas how a comp like this would look like or how it could be done. I'm not saying I will really make something out of this, but as usual if people seem interested then maybe

Also if someone want to co-host (ie throw some moneys lolol) this comp with me just say so ^^