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Author Topic: Jump Timers - Creating them Mapside  (Read 1005 times)

Posts: 247
Hey everyone. For those of you creating new maps or doing a WiP and interested in creating timers to have jumpers time themselves while they go through, you now can add entities to your map and layout the timing course how you want.

This is the entity setup to work with Cranck's SkillsRank Timer plugin that syncs with's webstats.

There are four entities you need.

Course info:

You will need to create a game_text_tf point entity. Put this anywhere on the map. I suggest near the start trigger.

You will need to fill out Name in this format:

Code: [Select]
For the name, name your course. Spaces are not supported

For the number, start with 1. If there are more than one course do the math...

You will need to fill out Message Text with the number of the triggers in the order that you want them passed through/completed.

For example, if you have a start and finish trigger (which will be covered shortly) and that is the only triggers on the map, they should have 0 and 1 at the end of the trigger name. In this case you would put
Code: [Select]
0,1in the Message Text field.

Setting up the course triggers

The naming convention is similar for all of these, difference being the first part and the number designating what kind of trigger it is and what order the trigger falls in the course

Code: [Select]

Start Trigger:

Create a brush entity covering the area you want the player to pass through or touch to begin the timer. Make the entity a trigger_multiple.
The naming convention for start triggers is:

Code: [Select]
The counting starts at "0" so if this is your first timing trigger placed, the name will look like this:

Code: [Select]
Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)


Follow the same method in creating a start trigger. I suggest hallways or a place the player gets teleported to at the start of a new jump -- somewhere you know they have to go.

Checkpoint naming convention is:

Code: [Select]
Checkpoints are optional, though highly suggested if you want to make sure players go through your entire course. Place as many of these as you like (use your own judgement here, I suggest 1-5 depending on the size of the map). Keep in mind, any placed and included in the course info in the game_text_tf must be passed through to enable the finish trigger

Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)

Finish Trigger:

Follow the same method in creating a start trigger. I suggest the control point or some other obvious stopping point.

The Finish naming convention is:

Code: [Select]
Make sure that in the flags tab the clients box is selected (just like making teleport triggers)

For another example if you have a course setup with the proper names of triggers numbered 0 -5 (0 being start, 1-4 checkpoints, and 5 finish) the Message Text in your game_text_tf would be:

Code: [Select]
assuming that you want the checkpoints completed in that order.

Any questions, comments or concerns feel free to ask me or Cranck.

Attached is an example vmf of 2 courses setup on the same map with triggers and course info.


Posts: 49
i dont care that nobody has posted in this topic for like... forever, i have to say this if nobody else does:


and thank you for including the example file


Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
hmm idk i put them in legion, but the !top doesnt seem to work, maybe it's just me.

that webpage just looks blank to me.

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
ye it seems it has some bug, which prevents the table from being created, apart from that it works.. however.. how to get  it to create the tables.. i dunno atm, and i dont have time atm to find out... after christmassy time i might have some time to check it out

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