I made a 6s team at one point, and the other members lost interest. I was in two different highlander teams, which ultimately failed (I also don't really like highlander, so I don't know why I did it twice). I have about even time playing regular TF2 as I do jumping, and I'd say I'm fairly decent at both. Plenty of people think I'm amazing at both, but I don't really think so. :x I've been wanting to play some 6s again because I really enjoyed it. Most of you won't remember this, but a while ago (about a year, I think), a few of my jumper buddies and I got together and created a team of good jumpers playing in TF2lobby. That was some of the most fun I ever had in TF2, and I would love to do it again. I don't remember all of the players who were in it, but I know dellort and Timmy Tissue were, for sure. If any of you somehow remember that, we should do that again.
tl;dr I love jumping and I love regular TF2 and I would love to have a 6s team of jumpers.
 klanana: I DID NOT EAT THE CAT dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.