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Author Topic: Jump names  (Read 2176 times)
Offline  11

Posts: 65
Jump Around!
I made this thread in purpose of naming jumps that are hardly ever used. If you think there is some jumping method that needs a name, post it here, with description and/or demo/vid.

Jump 1

It's basically a walljumping method I've seen LeXeR using in his vids. Can be done with almost no mouse movement, and only with w and d. Showkeys should clarify how this works. It's possible to rightwall style 10 without ctap, so it seems to not make you lose much distance compared to the normal method. It differs from normal wallshots.

Jump 2

Also thing I saw first in LeXeR vids, basically dropping off a ledge without jumping, and shooting behind you(as solly). It's used mostly as speedpogo starter, giving decent starting speed. As demo it's putting sticky on the edge, and as with solly ver of this, dropping and exploding the sticky. It gives a nice flat jump, good for starting airpogo.
Names that could be used: dropjump, flatjump, lexerjump(lol)

Jump 3

That's actualy my own idea, prefiring a rocket so it hits you as soon as you start sliding on a surf angled platform and doubling with it. Gives a nice speed, perfect for rampshot or maybe waterjump. Though I have no idea how this could be called, cause elevenjump sounds terrible :D

Jump 4

It's edgebugging while shooting a rocket underneth you, kind of like when you speedshot. Gives more boost than a regular skip, but is also harder to do. After doing this, you get hurt indicator like after pogoing, instead of big one like when speedshoting.
I think the most fitting name would be edgeshot, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

So, if you have any good name for those jumps, or if you agree with the name I proposed, just make a post.
Btw. thanks to Huh? for rendering those jumps for me ;)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 07:01:44 PM by 11 »
Offline  Scotteh

Posts: 60
Your rocket launcher sounds weird. :o

2 is def lexerjump
Offline  Matti

Posts: 78
soar_a4 is out!
You can also do a double version of the jump where you drop of the edge and shoot behind you. I used to use in on ayers2 before I could ctap and still use it to skip the 360 speedshot on redplanet. Might be worth adding :).
Offline  11

Posts: 65
Jump Around!
Well, it would be called double >whatever the name we choose<, so yokno, enough to just decide the main name
Offline  Matti

Posts: 78
soar_a4 is out!
Well, it would be called double >whatever the name we choose<, so yokno, enough to just decide the main name

Yeah, true. In that case, my vote would be for (double) dropshot.
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
I thought everyone did #2...

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
Umm I don't see the need to name them at all.
#1 Wall shots or wall jumps. There is 0 difference really between that and any other jump.

#2 I have always done this, especially for demo air pogo.

#3 Is just a double on a ramp, nothing new.

#4 Edging...that gross and is borderline luck, adding a rocket is a very common where possible.

These are all things that have not required specific naming for months and years and people got on without naming them for just as long so I don't see why we need to now.
At BEST 2 could be named but the rest are old and have a broad name already.

also lol at naming techniques after people.

Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
you made this to show off your klanana jump...... ::)

name it whateva ya want
Offline  11

Posts: 65
Jump Around!
Umm I don't see the need to name them at all.
#1 Wall shots or wall jumps. There is 0 difference really between that and any other jump.

#2 I have always done this, especially for demo air pogo.

#3 Is just a double on a ramp, nothing new.

#4 Edging...that gross and is borderline luck, adding a rocket is a very common where possible.

These are all things that have not required specific naming for months and years and people got on without naming them for just as long so I don't see why we need to now.
At BEST 2 could be named but the rest are old and have a broad name already.

also lol at naming techniques after people.
Ok, screw the part about "nobody uses", primary goal of this thread was just to name those anyway.

I don't see why we shouldn't have specific names for all those jumps. It'd make, at least mine, life a little bit easier, when I can just say to mapper "You could make a jump with >jump3< and a surf", to some other jumper "this jump is easier if you just do >jump1<" or "I think it'd only be possible with >jump4<". I also don't see how having a broad name is better than having specific names.
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
You can describe all of these jumps easily in the first place, putting a name to them is not necessary...
jump 1, wallshots
jump 2, walk off and shoot the edge behind
jump 3, fall, double on ramp
jump 4, edging

If someone does not understand those, usually it's because they have never seen it before.
Typically if any maps actually requires 1 of these specifically, it is rather obvious. I'll admit the jump on heaven i hadn't seen before on any map but when someone said you double on the ramp, that was all I needed to know.


Posts: 163
Very carefully
I pretty much agree with raiin, all of these are easily described in a way that makes more sense than teaching everyone that doesn't go to the forums (aka almost everybody) that <such and such> is what it means for jump 3 now.
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
I pretty much agree with raiin, all of these are easily described in a way that makes more sense than teaching everyone that doesn't go to the forums (aka almost everybody) that <such and such> is what it means for jump 3 now.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
Offline  Drexen

Posts: 282

I pretty much agree with raiin, all of these are easily described in a way that makes more sense than teaching everyone that doesn't go to the forums (aka almost everybody) that <such and such> is what it means for jump 3 now.

Offline  Hadokk

Bball Server Filler Upper
Posts: 313

I pretty much agree with raiin, all of these are easily described in a way that makes more sense than teaching everyone that doesn't go to the forums (aka almost everybody) that <such and such> is what it means for jump 3 now.



Why not name them? It's not like it's going to hurt the community. Imagine snowboard commentators just describing what the jumpers did "Sean White jumps up and spins around four times...", fucken boring. Inside terms are ftw.

Posts: 163
Very carefully
I thought the point was to try and get more people into jumping, why start dumping in more unneeded 'inside' terminologies for people to learn. The snowboard analogy is an awful one considering that there isn't commentating or anything even remotely close to it in this niche. There's no good reason to name things like this.
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