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Author Topic: New Inf ammo and health script  (Read 61749 times)

Posts: 426
On the servers, to turn regen on/off, I just type /regen on or /regen off.  How do I turn off the regen script when I'm running my own map?

As mentioned in other posts.  You need to save the scripts in a config file in the appropriate cfg folder.  You then type "exec NAME" of the .cfg file.  So if it was named "regen.cfg" you would be typing "exec regen" into console.

read the question, that doesn't answer it

@BQE I don't know any way to do it via console, there probably is.
           But reload the map will do.

Oh. =(

I ask, because on jump_quba, B5 doesn't reload fast enough after 4 rockets (enabling regen causes infinite ammo, and no lag between reloading after 4), and I really only need it for that level.
Ehm, the jump has regen., you probably fail it because you start with you first rocket on the grey platform, start with your first rocket on the blue playform.

Offline  duppy

Posts: 99
On the servers, to turn regen on/off, I just type /regen on or /regen off.  How do I turn off the regen script when I'm running my own map?

Code: [Select]
ent_fire func_regenerate disable
and if you use the version I modified that adds a trigger_hurt, do this as well:

Code: [Select]
ent_fire trigger_hurt disable
Obviously set them to "enable" to turn it back on, or you could probably exec that regen.cfg again.  And to make it maybe a little more easy to remember, make an alias for everything (put them in autoexec.cfg)...

Code: [Select]
alias regen "exec regen.cfg"
alias regen_off "ent_fire func_regenerate disable"
alias regen_on "ent_fire func_regenerate enable"

Offline  The BQE

Posts: 135
On the servers, to turn regen on/off, I just type /regen on or /regen off.  How do I turn off the regen script when I'm running my own map?

Code: [Select]
ent_fire func_regenerate disable
and if you use the version I modified that adds a trigger_hurt, do this as well:

Code: [Select]
ent_fire trigger_hurt disable
Obviously set them to "enable" to turn it back on, or you could probably exec that regen.cfg again.  And to make it maybe a little more easy to remember, make an alias for everything (put them in autoexec.cfg)...

Code: [Select]
alias regen "exec regen.cfg"
alias regen_off "ent_fire func_regenerate disable"
alias regen_on "ent_fire func_regenerate enable"

I have this as regen.cfg

Code: [Select]
//Personal portable regen for offline jumping!
sv_cheats 1

wait 5;ent_fire !self addoutput "targetname player_me"
wait 5;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "classname func_regenerate_temp"
wait 5;ent_fire info_target addoutput "classname info_target_temp"

wait 10;give info_target
wait 10;give func_regenerate

wait 20;ent_fire info_target addoutput "targetname mytarget"
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "StartDisabled 1"
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "mins -100 -100 -100"
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "maxs 100 100 100"
wait 30;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "solid 2"
wait 30;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput "spawnflags 1"

wait 30;ent_fire info_target setparent player_me
wait 33;ent_fire func_regenerate setparent mytarget
wait 35;ent_fire func_regenerate enable

I go to the developer console and type 'exec regen' to turn it on.  How would I turn it off?  I'd prefer to keep using this script,'s already set up.
Offline  duppy

Posts: 99
Uhm, just type 'ent_fire func_regenerate disable' in the developer console to turn it off.  I didn't think I'd need to explain that part.  If you don't understand the suggestion of making an alias, you can read up on it in a tutorial like this or this.

Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix
Am I only one for who is this unworking since today's RoboUpdate sh*t? :D I was working on some clips and now i can't find any working one, and updating my dediserver isn't what i wanna do....

New acc

Old acc
Offline  duppy

Posts: 99
Am I only one for who is this unworking since today's RoboUpdate sh*t? :D I was working on some clips and now i can't find any working one, and updating my dediserver isn't what i wanna do....

Still working for me, although I'm using the script I modified with negative trigger_hurt.  I just tried it on ctf_2fort which of course has no regen normally.

Here it is again, pretty much the same as my post (Reply #13 of this thread):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Posts: 1
I don't know what I did wrong, but whenever I create my own server to practice rocket jumping I randomly start to hover after I jump. can anyone help me fix this?

Posts: 1
Is there a way to enable the ammo and health Regen to another player if it is on a private or LAN server? So far we both have the script working properly but only the one hosting the server gets the benefits. Please help!

Posts: 42
Is there a way to enable the ammo and health Regen to another player if it is on a private or LAN server? So far we both have the script working properly but only the one hosting the server gets the benefits. Please help!
You will need to use a Jump plugin, which includes many features, but your main use ofc will be of the autoregen.
I'd really like to know how to make it work, all the guides I read about sourcemod installing and stuff didn't help.

~ pewpewpew ~

Posts: 630
Is there a way to enable the ammo and health Regen to another player if it is on a private or LAN server? So far we both have the script working properly but only the one hosting the server gets the benefits. Please help!
You will need to use a Jump plugin, which includes many features, but your main use ofc will be of the autoregen.
I'd really like to know how to make it work, all the guides I read about sourcemod installing and stuff didn't help.

Likely because you try installing these to your client, which (Although I think can, somehow) doesn't work.  Download and install the dedicated server content to host for TF2 and just put a password on it.  From there you can install sourcemod and any other plugin, and still have 0ping to it, as its local hosted. Others can join as well and depending on their distance can ping decently (Aurora, and Prototypes who live in the same province as me pinged around 50ms to my server, whereas bshear pings 100+)

Posts: 1
hello every body sorry to be a bother but this do's not appear to be working for me if someone could add me on steam and assist with this issue i would appreciate that very much here is my steam profile  :) :) :) :) :) :)
Offline  snufkin

Posts: 170
hurtme -9999999
Small notice about regen scripts; I believe neither of the regen scripts are necessary anymore because impulse 101 now automatically reloads for you. Bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101" should work.

Posts: 1
Whenever I exec it i get sever lines of text in the console saying Unknown Command:wait and then i get no extra regen.

Posts: 74
Whenever I exec it i get sever lines of text in the console saying Unknown Command:wait and then i get no extra regen.

The server you're playing on has the wait command disabled.  This needs to be enabled.

Posts: 630
Whenever I exec it i get sever lines of text in the console saying Unknown Command:wait and then i get no extra regen.

The server you're playing on has the wait command disabled.  This needs to be enabled.

sv_pure 0
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