weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, someone made a video of my map THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH ? to the next 2 courses - i really dont know when im gonna finish those - its just... idk... the air is out right now, and to make things worse im bumping into problems design wise all the time, its just a huge mess right now... so it may really take a while until i finish those... got like... 17 more to go or something, haven't opened hammer in a while... yea... so don't wait up, this next major update may really take a while until it comes other than that... keep jumping... laters  oh, yea - and one last thing: IM ALIIIIIIIIIIVE ... ive just been nolifing SC2 for quite a while now, thats why i didnt get on the servers more often
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 06:43:37 PM by Blind Girl »