I'll be streaming some of the mapping work I do, the idea of which is to show new people the sorta thing that goes into making maps for TF2, and people that are familiar with Hammer can come and ask questions, or just have a look at someone elses approach to mapping. I'm also happy to go over examples or teach anyone someone of the more interesting things in Hammer in the time. I'll have an open mumble server for anyone to come and talk. As for the times, tonight (8pm British Summer Time start, Sat 21st) for a few hours I'll be streaming, mostly as a practice and to check everything is working out. The more official event thing will probably be next Saturday (28th) at 7pm. http://www.twitch.tv/drexen9 7pm BST Saturday 28th SeptemberFeel free to come and talk or ask questions during the stream, the mumble info will be posted when I start.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 06:50:06 AM by Drexen »