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Author Topic: Sticky jumping. (mid air)  (Read 904 times)

Posts: 4
I cry in the corner when I see one of Mikes videos
Hey guys! I was watching of of Rains videos about MIKE beating all of jump_what but on one certain jump I feel is really cool to master. I'm not sure how to explain it to you guys but I am going to leave a link to his video down below. Also skip to 1:18 in the video and that will be the jump I'm talking about.

TF2: jump_what

Pro Tip: There will always be some one better than you.

Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
That is an airpogo. Also, that youtube account is not Raiin's, MIKE just has a very misleading YT account name. Raiin's account was something like devilssnowdog or RaiinTF2.

Your self-esteem may suffer if you watch too many of these pro jumpers (even though MIKE no longer jumps)
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
Actually, that was no-crouch airpogo (wich is not the same)
The timing-aiming is quite tricky, and as everything, comes with pratice

Posts: 4
I cry in the corner when I see one of Mikes videos
Yeah Skeleton! That would be great!

Pro Tip: There will always be some one better than you.
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
For the love of god, people need to stop making air pogo threads.  >:(
We have plenty already.


Posts: 133
For the love of god, people need to stop making air pogo threads.  >:(
We have plenty already.

You even just stickied one that has an almost identical title to this one

Edit: hehe you "stickied" one, puns
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