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Messages - Krisprols58

Pages: [1]
Sourcemod Information / Re: jumpassist ?
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:32:06 AM »
Here is the compiled version of jumpassist.
Compiled with sourcemod 1.5.1

Careful ! If you don't read the instructions I posted last time you'll never be able to make it work.

Sourcemod Information / Re: jumpassist ?
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:59:52 AM »
Hi Cranck, is this Skillsrank ?

Or is it completely outdated and you're the one having the newer versions ?

PS : Isn't Dukehacks outdated ?

Sourcemod Information / Re: jumpassist ?
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:08:52 PM »
I managed to compile it and it works like a charm on my server.
Here is my jumps' server IP :

Here is what you need to compile :
1) Download the files on

Upload it in your scripting folder like this :

Careful ! I proposed a patch on the website above for the database.sp because the provided one has a syntax error while creating your databases' tables. Download this version instead of the original one.

1.a) SteamTools
SteamTools is needed to compile and changes your servers' "game type" in the list of servers from "Team Fortress 2" to "Jump Assist (version)".
Grab and put it in ./scripting/include/
You'll also get the extension and put it in your extensions folder since you'll need it to run the compiled plugin.

1.b) Updater.
Updater is needed to compile even if you're not using it. It allows developers to automatically update their plugins and files.
Grab the from the zip file and put it in ./scripting/include/
Since this plugin is optionnal you don't need to compile the updater.sp file, but if you want to go ahead.

2) Compile the plugin !

Code: [Select]
chmod +x ./scripting/
chmod +x ./scripting/spcomp

These are linux commands. If you run a Windows server ... xD

jumpassist.smx should be in the ./scripting/compiled/ folder.

3) Create the MySQL database - MANDATORY !!! (I don't know if it works with sqlite)

Of course, MySQL is already installed on your server.

3.a) Create the empty database :
Code: [Select]
mysqladmin -u root -p create jumpassist
3.b) Open the MySQL console to create a new user to access the database (optionnal but REALLY recommanded for security reasons) :

Code: [Select]
mysql -u root -p mysql
In the MySQL console create the user (and permissions) :

Code: [Select]
GRANT ALL ON jumpassist.* TO jumpassist@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Change the 'password' by a real password diffrent from roots' one.
Don't forget the ; at the end of the lines.

4) Declare your database in Sourcemod :

Edit ./sourcemod/configs/database.cfg and add :

Code: [Select]
                "driver"                        "mysql"
                "host"                          ""
                "database"                      "jumpassist"
                "user"                          "jumpassist"
                "pass"                          "password"
                //"timeout"                     "0"
                //"port"                        "0"

Replace the password with the actual password you just choose.

5) I guess you've already copied the jumpassist.smx from the compiled folder to the plugins folder. If not DO IT !!!! The plugin should now work. If you have problems you can check the Sourcemod's log folder. Look for the errors_'date'.log file.

To finish, the files on are under GNU GPL v3 licensing, so it's completely free. Good luck, have fun !

PS : if you can't use a MySQL database try with sqlite (plain file), but since I know NOTHING about sqlite don't ask me anything xD

PPS : if you're completely stuck by the compilation part, i may upload my smx ... But part 3, 4 and 5 are still mandatory.

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