The only damage sound that bothers me is the little crunch that plays when you take fall damage. But that's just preference.
I really hate how on one of the Decoy ramps (the tiny ramp leading to the bridge over the first choke the robots walk through) has a tiny lip that kind of limits the rampslides you can do on it.
Other than that, great movie 
Thanks! About in-game sounds: I was about to disable them, but I left them in sake of adjusting sync, just lowered the volume. Hate this lip too btw!  incredible editing but way too short -.-
Thanks! That's why I called it "clip". Maybe will do more soon, just don't have enough time. nice track just dl it jumps not bad 
Thank you w33dskiLL, glad to hear it from you.
some will spend a lifetime trying to find a reason