func_regenerate: create block, select block, CTRL+T, set the class to "func_regenerate". Any class on either team to walk into that box will refill ammo and health in the same way a resupply cabinet would. (resupply cabinets use func_regenerate with a locker model) Note: If you want to stop those "Func_regenerate has no associated model blah" errors; create a "prop_dynamic" entity and set the world model for the resupply locker using the search bar. Name the prop_dynamic eg. "regen". In the func_regenerate, set associated model to "regen". This will make the locker open and close when a player touches the func_regenerate box and stop the errors in console. is there a reason to use a larger number than 200 with a trigger_hurt? setting trigger_hurt to -200 wont heal any class to full health instantly, the magic number I use to heal all classes to full health is -1000. -500 is approximately 2/3 of a demo's health and you will also want to allow for soldiers so -1000 is just right. Read #2 and #3:,499.0.html
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 01:52:02 AM by Raiin »