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Author Topic: My First Rocketjumping movie (teaser, reaction-gatherer)  (Read 1626 times)
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
Can't watch a private video, dude. :V


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.

Posts: 8
Can't watch a private video, dude. :V
Sorry about that, thanks

Mr Matty

Posts: 8
I uploaded mainly for content, screw the editing atm

Mr Matty
Offline  MIKE`

Posts: 60
the direct overhead view looked bad imo

the jump itself was pretty good, most people would like it i think

but personally, badlands/well jumps are so beat into the ground that i really can't stand them anymore lol

Posts: 8
the direct overhead view looked bad imo

the jump itself was pretty good, most people would like it i think

but personally, badlands/well jumps are so beat into the ground that i really can't stand them anymore lol
I've seen dozens of badlands jumps, but I never really see any well jumps. One here and there, but not that often.
It took me like, at least 5 or  dozen attempts to get this jump down. It makes me feel fuzzy inside knowing I fucking nailed it within the last 5 seconds of the round time (btw, if someone knows how to extend the match time for cp maps, I would be very greatful).

Mr Matty

Posts: 630
Only thing I could really add here would be: maybe you should keep recordings and videos at default FoV.  I understand why you would want/would use a higher FoV, but videos tend to look better when the view models aren't super stretched like that, I'd say.

Also, iirc, the command to increase time is mp_timelimit 0.
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
^ is complete blasphemy.  Default viewmodels/fov looks like utter shit

but personally, badlands/well jumps are so beat into the ground that i really can't stand them anymore lol
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 12:12:18 PM by DiddyKong FTW »

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Vend

Posts: 19
Never abandon ship on anything you are passionate about doing, even if a few people say its a bad idea. use this for everything in life ;)
your video has potential but it looks like you just got the jump once then said thats good enough for my vid, you have to make it look clean and smooth its to jittery and looked liked you just "winged" it. do the jump you want untill it feels smooth.
like the second clip there looks much cleaner.

Posts: 74
So what is a donkey punch
I like the one jump in that video, my only problem is where you landed, right in the middle of nowhere special.
If you landed like, on a high small platform It would've been better IMO.
I could be just a landing whore or does anyone else think the landing place matter?

Strange Macket Gadneh
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