I too have difficulty remembering which map goes with which name. There are def some that I do remember, a good number of them, but many have such bland and indescriptive/irrelevant names. It's wierd, I never had that problem when I bhopped in CSS. (fuck, I keep comparing stuff to that...but those were dark times for me haha)
I don't really know, but I guess my favorite map right now is aridia. There are tons of different ways to do each jump.
Going back to bhop again, I say we dedicate a shit load of time to making something that has as much of an impact on rocket jumping as bhop_exodus had on bhop. It completely changed everything, and mappers copied so many elements from it afterwards. We need to start a revolution! The MOST incredible map known to rocketjump! No dev texture bullshit. No fullbright bullshit. No repetitive ideas and styles.