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Author Topic: Whats my flaw with speedjump/flickjump  (Read 1172 times)

Posts: 10
Hello there, i'm playing TF2 since May 2008, i'm from Germany and i love jumping.

But one thing i never achieved speedjumping or flickjumping...

In Danger that you migh think im trying to get a stupid achievement i cut 3 short trys of my jumps on badlands.

Yesterday in trained 2 hours on pagoda startpoint and finally it seems im getting little better. Than i  tried the jump on Badlands from corner near mid over the wagons over 2nd Controlpoint with 4 rockets, in 2 hours it worked 2 times  :D

Most of the time i failed at the 4th rocket so im thinking that i fly too fast thats why i miss the last one.

Would be great if someone could tell me why im missing the 4th jump.

Badlands speedjump problem with 4th rocket Small | Large

Posts: 10
*damn double post missed the button

sorry for music im always listening to songs when im jumping ^^
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 04:08:29 AM by Tearchen »
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
Well, to start, your air control is really bad.  Not smooth at all, but that should change as you get better.  Your first jump can be way lower, so that you can actually skip off the wooden crate thing.  And no, you aren't going too fast, I'm not even sure if that's possible for speedshots.  Your timing is most likely just off, which is really all a speedshot is.  From what I understand you are pretty much just hitting the ground for a split second (not kidding like 1 or 2 frames) and then you just shoot.  The farther you aim in front of you, the higher you will go, while if you aim straight below your character, you will go farther but gain less height.

This is what it looks like if you do it correctly.

I'm an achievement whore

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Hadokk

Bball Server Filler Upper
Posts: 313
Looks like you're not crouching all the time, but I dunno.

Posts: 10 looks like he fires much earlier than i do.

Posts: 49
Aim higher and shoot earlier.

Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
EARLIER!? Are you joking? he was firing before touching the ground, hence why he went no where. He was going slower vertically than his rocket so it hit before him and the amount of vertical speed he had was too much to do a boring old skip so he immediately stopped.

Going too high over the first train, aim higher on the wall and you may have better success (Make sure you actually are shooting the wall, seen so many people not use walls to start jumps when appropriate).

If you actually go as low as possible over the train you can skip off of both trains and get to the opposite corner with much less issues as I find speedshots are very exact and skips are rather easy.

A simple trick to speedshots to test when you should have shot, aka hindsight, if you try to speedshot and bounce straight up into the air it means your rocket hit the floor after you (You shot too late and hit the floor losing all speed when the rocket hit). The other end of the scale is what I described at the top, when you don't really go anywhere or do a tiny skip it means your rocket hit the floor before you and your vertical speed was able to plant you right into the floor.

So bounce straight up = shoot earlier
Tiny skip/Go no where = shoot later



Posts: 10
hm ok thx

Posts: 49
Later* is what I meant.

Basically what Raiin said:
1) Convert some height into speed on 1st rocket
2) speedpogo on both trains. Slow down a little if you're going too fast
3) Last rocket, shoot higher and later.

Try to keep it as smooth as possible.

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