ok... ehm bunnyhop plugin gives bunnyhop (ofc  ), it also gives strafing like q3, +some extra bouncing when doing 2 jumps really quick after another, and when you hit a slope (upward), activatable by !bhop or /bhop useable on any map quad plugin gives self damage about 2.5x (not actually 4x  ) the amount of push you normally get from the selfdamage, activatable by !quadme (also, quadme is more fun without ammoregen) useable only on conc & quad maps the conc plugin gives medics & scouts concs, which are little bombs which push you when they explode, but the way they push you is the exact opposite of how other explosions push, in that, the further away, but still inside the explosion radius you are, the more you get pushed by the explosion useable on any map note: i think on jumpit you can be any non-demo/soldier class and use concs, since i saw sniper concing once to use it, bind a key to +conc, and then just use that key