Tort doesn't have access to his tf2jump account because of reasons, so I'll be the messenger.
The Tortuga words:
"I've been jumping on jumpIT for a little over 2 years now; and I've noticed a few things during that time.
One being that the times have changed a lot, new jumpers are coming in, and old jumpers have already left. I think that a few new admins are needed on these servers now.
The two I had in mind are 2 very responsible individuals:
Afterglow and Aurora.
I don't really care whether or not I get admin personally, seeing that I dont really play this game too much anymore. These two, however, sincerely deserve it. They've both done their part in making the jumping community larger, and more competitive.
Afterglow can be trusted completely, I know this because I shared a youtube channel with him for a year, and he hasn't once changed the email password, or done anything shady with the channel.
Aurora is one of the best soldier jumpers in the entire world at this point, and a good friend of mine. I trust him completely to take on this responsibility.
ps. alle is poop"
I agree with it all, especially with the last statement.