From the time I've airpogo'd, crouched will typically have 1 sticky out at any one time, but eventually you'll start to lose speed, so much so that the stickies you fire will outrun you, so you'll need to fire a second sticky before you det the first one to ensure it will explode under you and not in front of you, after which you can continue the fire-det, fire-det pattern.
You can see this in Skeleton's/X_DIAS' Flying Like a Boss movie in one of the last few jumps on jump_what where he's going for the intel.
For uncrouched, I've never come across a situation where I'm firing after detonating, as in, only have 1 sticky out at all times. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this, I don't think the boost you get from uncrouched allows for crouched-like firing/deting.
The timing isn't necessary everything, where you aim is also very important, if you aim too high up, the sticky will hit you too high and you'll either plummet to the ground or go forward much faster than you would want.