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Author Topic: Jump_nmotion  (Read 1816 times)

Posts: 26
My first attempt at making a map, sorry if it sucks. Any advice would be appreciated. Keep in mind this is the first version, there is still some clean-up i need to do. I just want to see the community response before I spend any more time on it. I think this is a relatively easy map.

Beta Changelog:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Full Release Changelog:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

-So, so much
-I removed Blue side, revamped red side

If anyone wants the previous versions of the map PM me or post here  :)
Any comments, concerns, constructive criticism? Don't be afraid to post.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 07:46:06 AM by Serebiisean »
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
You uploaded the .vmf instead of the .bsp.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.

Posts: 26
My first attempt at making a map, sorry if it sucks. Any advice would be appreciated. Keep in mind this is the first version, there is still some clean-up i need to do. I just want to see the community response before I spend any more time on it. I think this is a relatively easy map.

Without any further a-do here is the link to Jump_NMotion_Beta_V1, a map without teleports by Sere:

Ill upload it as soon as I get home.

Posts: 26
Added the link to the real one. Again, I know it is not the best map in the world, I just want some confirmation that it has potential before I sink any more time into it.
Online  The BQE

Posts: 135
There are a lot of texturing issues that need to be fixed.  Inconsistent "fail" texture makes it really confusing.  Floors that are the same texture as the walls/walls that are all the same texture with uniform lighting makes it difficult to tell where to go.  That level towards the end (I think?  I got to a point where even when no clipping around, I couldn't figure out if there was more) where the fail texture starts at the same level as the floor AND has the same texture as the floor is poor design.  And on that same level, why does hitting a wall in the middle teleport me back to the middle, but failing later in the jump teleports me back to the beginning? 

Posts: 26
There are a lot of texturing issues that need to be fixed.  Inconsistent "fail" texture makes it really confusing.  Floors that are the same texture as the walls/walls that are all the same texture with uniform lighting makes it difficult to tell where to go.  That level towards the end (I think?  I got to a point where even when no clipping around, I couldn't figure out if there was more) where the fail texture starts at the same level as the floor AND has the same texture as the floor is poor design.

Thanks for the feedback!
 I plan on making the textures more uniform later. I have 3 different schema's present in the map atm(Grey rock safe, orange rock fail)(Dark Sand safe Light Sand fail)(Medieval Rock Safe, Concrete Fail) to see what looks the best. Once I decide which one to use, I will change all textures to the same pattern.
The map isn't complete yet, that's why it "ends" at the concrete.

  And on that same level, why does hitting a wall in the middle teleport me back to the middle, but failing later in the jump teleports me back to the beginning?

This is was done on purpose, and actually its present in two locations.

The first one is the skip jump after the airstrafe; if you land on the skip itself you teleport all the way back to the start of the strafe; however, if you land on the grey dev "fail", you teleport to the start of the skip. My reasoning behind this being that if you fall off into the grey dev it was most likely that you accidentally walked off. However, if you attempted the skip and failed to time it correctly, then you have to go all the way back to the beginning of the jump(the airstrafe).

The second one is the black rock on the last level. That was just to make the jump easier. Do you think that I should make it teleport you back to the start of the jump?

Thanks again for your input.

Edit: Do you have any other suggestions?
Edit #2: About how long is this map taking you guys? about 1:00?
Edit #3: Updated the map. Textures are all the same now. If you noticed an area I missed, please tell me.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 08:37:01 PM by Serebiisean »
Online  The BQE

Posts: 135

This platform I'm standing on needs to be a lot bigger.  It's too easy to walk backwards into the fail for the previous level. 

The floor is the same height and texture as the fail texture.  Not good.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 02:14:47 AM by The BQE »

Posts: 26

This platform I'm standing on needs to be a lot bigger.  It's too easy to walk backwards into the fail for the previous level. 

The floor is the same height and texture as the fail texture.  Not good.

Thanks for the feedback, will fix.
Edit: Link updated.
Edit #2: Beta_V4 out. Map is pretty much where I wanted it to be at.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 12:56:46 PM by Serebiisean »
Offline  Rob123

Posts: 16
There are a couple simple things you can do to really improve this map:

- Almost always have a different texture for the floor and walls. Lots of times I thought i was looking at a wall when it was actually an platform

- Use a different texture wherever you are using func nogrenades.

- If you feel up to it add a light environment and puts lights and/or a skybox around the map. Makes everything look so much better, and will help with the walls vs. floor confusion i was having

- Put jump numbers in (use afterglows mapping pack, or just use roman numerals if you want to do it quicker)

Otherwise some nice simple jumps  :)

Posts: 26
There are a couple simple things you can do to really improve this map:

- Almost always have a different texture for the floor and walls. Lots of times I thought i was looking at a wall when it was actually an platform
Will do, thanks for the input!

- Use a different texture wherever you are using func nogrenades.
Same as above.

- If you feel up to it add a light environment and puts lights and/or a skybox around the map. Makes everything look so much better, and will help with the walls vs. floor confusion i was having
I used Skybox on the top levels. However, if I used it on the bottom levels, you would actually see the top maps, which seems unprofessional :/ I'm working on a second map in which I'm planning ahead.

- Put jump numbers in (use afterglows mapping pack, or just use roman numerals if you want to do it quicker)
Will do.

Otherwise some nice simple jumps  :)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 10:05:52 PM by Serebiisean »

Posts: 26
Beta_V5 Is up for DL.
Making nogrenades walls a different texture makes the map look like Frankenstein.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 08:00:13 AM by Serebiisean »

Posts: 26
Full release is out, Check OP!  :)
Again, if anyone has constructive criticism, plz post.

Edit: there is a bonus, but you have to noclip to find it.

Nobody has anything to say?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 02:41:10 PM by Serebiisean »
Offline  Torii

Posts: 108
Whirlwind "Torii Hurricane"
I ran through it

1. It's in fullbright which looks awful, it doesn't take that long to put lights

2. At the start and in some parts of the map you can do some func_detail-ing

3. I found it odd to suddenly have roman numerals for jump5, 10.

4. The teleport on the skip plat on jump6 teleports you back to jump5

5. On the last jump it should be clear that you have to left wall (either that or I'm doing this wrong)

Tutorial on func_detailing
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 1- Func _detail and Skybox


Posts: 26
I ran through it

1. It's in fullbright which looks awful, it doesn't take that long to put lights

I guess I'll figure out how to put lights in without it looking awful.
Edit: Thanks for the tip, it does look better with lighting\

2. At the start and in some parts of the map you can do some func_detail-ing

Will see what I can do.

3. I found it odd to suddenly have roman numerals for jump5, 10.

Will change.

4. The teleport on the skip plat on jump6 teleports you back to jump5

Done on purpose, see my reasoning in the above posts. Basically 6 is really just the second part of jump 5.

5. On the last jump it should be clear that you have to left wall (either that or I'm doing this wrong)

You can use either left-wall or pogo.

Tutorial on func_detailing
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 1- Func _detail and Skybox


Again, thanks for the suggestions
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 07:44:44 PM by Serebiisean »
Offline  Rob123

Posts: 16
Looking better already. Still a number of things worth changing however:

1. Too dark, more lights please. Or make more use of the sky box environment lighting. I pretty much felt every jump was too dark, and on 12 I couldn't even see

2. On 13 raise the starting platform so tele isn't at same height as where u walk, makes it annoying to walk off. Also maybe mess around with the glass so it's more visible. More lighting may help this, but atm it's kinda hard to see the glass

3. Still inconsistency with textures and nogrenades. Try make it so all shootable walls are one texture, and all func_nogrenades walls are a diff texture

Good improvement from the prev version i played. Just need to make it more jumper friendly, so they can see where they're going!
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