Hello ladies and gentlemen, may i present to you: jump_pan! Medium-Difficulity-Map I've been going on with hammer for a couple of days thanks to after glow's helpfull video's. This map is still in beta which means: Bugs, not much levels (10 but i had to remove 8 since it crashes tf2 if you stand on a specific block) and dev textures! 21-4-2013: - Contains 9 levels - Dev textures - No eastereggs yet. - Medium difficulity/hard difficulity jumps To do list: - Better textures - More levels - Fixing level 8 (I would love to get some help on that) - Eastereggs! - Hopefully better lightning (level 3) - More advanced levels since i've only use Hammer for a couple of days - Bug fixes? - PM me or put it here on the forums if you found a bug - Making a video! Hopefully will be done today (24-4-2013)Log: 21-4-2013 - Fixed level 9 for being incredibly hard. - Bugs level 10 fixed. 27-4-2013 I am so sorry that i did not update the map yet, i had a extremely busy week. But.. i got holiday now for 2 weeks so.. yay! More levels and eastereggs incomming. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nxhic9cz811cc01 (Updated 14:15 21-4-2013) This map contains: Pogo, airpogo, wallpogo and more! Time for a new demo map! Greetz, The Frying Dutch Pan  - Thank list: - Uncle Gaara for testing :3 - After Glow for his helpfull tutorials - Private Baldrick for some questions ;3 Yay! I made a video! (Sorry for the tiny little black screen, sony doesn't like me.)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 01:09:23 PM by The Frying Dutch Pan »