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Author Topic: jump_pan  (Read 853 times)

Posts: 21
Hello ladies and gentlemen, may i present to you: jump_pan! Medium-Difficulity-Map
I've been going on with hammer for a couple of days thanks to after glow's helpfull video's.
This map is still in beta which means: Bugs, not much levels (10 but i had to remove 8 since it crashes tf2 if you stand on a specific block) and dev textures!
- Contains 9 levels
- Dev textures
- No eastereggs yet.
- Medium difficulity/hard difficulity jumps

To do list:
- Better textures
- More levels
- Fixing level 8 (I would love to get some help on that)
- Eastereggs!
- Hopefully better lightning (level 3)
- More advanced levels since i've only use Hammer for a couple of days
- Bug fixes? - PM me or put it here on the forums if you found a bug
- Making a video! Hopefully will be done today (24-4-2013)

- Fixed level 9 for being incredibly hard.
- Bugs level 10 fixed.

I am so sorry that i did not update the map yet, i had a extremely busy week.
But.. i got holiday now for 2 weeks so.. yay! More levels and eastereggs incomming.

Download: (Updated 14:15 21-4-2013)
This map contains: Pogo, airpogo, wallpogo and more!
Time for a new demo map!
Greetz, The Frying Dutch Pan  :P

- Thank list:
- Uncle Gaara for testing :3
- After Glow for his helpfull tutorials
- Private Baldrick for some questions ;3

Yay! I made a video! (Sorry for the tiny little black screen, sony doesn't like me.)
jump_pan (Beta version) (Update 21-4-2013) Demo map
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 01:09:23 PM by The Frying Dutch Pan »
Offline  Fishy

Posts: 22
Some kid
I quite liked this map, it was fun :) I haven't made a map yet so I if I say something wrong, I am sorry.

Interesting jumps
Fun map, looking forward to the final version (:

Work on:
- More jumps & putting the number on the jump (eg 1 on jump 1, 2 on jump 2 etc.) (opinion)
- Consistent texturing. When you can stand should be different to places you can't and where stickies stick and where stickies don't stick, etc.
- Some jumps are easily exploited. 2 jumps can be done by using 2 stickies. Another by using 2 stickies and an airpogo. I can show you screenshots of the jumps if you want, I think they are 3, 4 and 8..

I don't think it is advanced as I can finish it XD (I prefer soldier jumping)

Hope I helped, Good luck with your map!  :D

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

Posts: 21
I quite liked this map, it was fun :) I haven't made a map yet so I if I say something wrong, I am sorry.

Interesting jumps
Fun map, looking forward to the final version (:

Work on:
- More jumps & putting the number on the jump (eg 1 on jump 1, 2 on jump 2 etc.) (opinion)
- Consistent texturing. When you can stand should be different to places you can't and where stickies stick and where stickies don't stick, etc.
- Some jumps are easily exploited. 2 jumps can be done by using 2 stickies. Another by using 2 stickies and an airpogo. I can show you screenshots of the jumps if you want, I think they are 3, 4 and 8..

I don't think it is advanced as I can finish it XD (I prefer soldier jumping)

Hope I helped, Good luck with your map!  :D
You should've seen level 9 before it was updated. Then you see it was advanced xD
Thank for your reply mate.. and i know il work on the textures and nummering the levels.
Il update the map once a week with better textures, more and harder levels.
In about a week i got holiday for 2 weeks and can continue working on this.

Posts: 10
Bob is the name
Thanks for letting me test when it wasnt done C:

some jumps there i didnt see before are they bonus levels?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 09:22:23 AM by UncleGaara »

Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
I'm loving that my tutorial actually inspired people to start a map :D Maybe i'll get to work on it again, been kinda slacking on it. There's still a lot to teach about hammer :P

Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
So ye....i think you got the difficulty wrong
I'd say begginer to intermediate

anyway, why did you put so many 2 stickie jumps so far in the map?
your vid makes the map look so much harder than it is xD

1- can be done with 1
2- can be done with 4 (maybe 3)
3- you can jump directly to the 3rd plat from the 1st (you would have made it in the vid if you haven't tapped S)
4- can be done with 3 or maybe double stickie (didn't tryed that)
5- just normal double stickie jump.....
6- maybe possible with double stickie (i had to use 1 in the air), why did you even added that many plats so close to each other?
7- can be done with 2 (1 normal 1 air)
8- can be done with 2 (1 normal 1 wall while droping)
9- made it look so much harder than it is

so ye, if you continue this map, and make the lights better, it might be a map i recommend for ppl who are learning demo jumping and already have the basics down

Posts: 21
So ye....i think you got the difficulty wrong
I'd say begginer to intermediate

anyway, why did you put so many 2 stickie jumps so far in the map?
your vid makes the map look so much harder than it is xD

1- can be done with 1
2- can be done with 4 (maybe 3)
3- you can jump directly to the 3rd plat from the 1st (you would have made it in the vid if you haven't tapped S)
4- can be done with 3 or maybe double stickie (didn't tryed that)
5- just normal double stickie jump.....
6- maybe possible with double stickie (i had to use 1 in the air), why did you even added that many plats so close to each other?
7- can be done with 2 (1 normal 1 air)
8- can be done with 2 (1 normal 1 wall while droping)
9- made it look so much harder than it is

so ye, if you continue this map, and make the lights better, it might be a map i recommend for ppl who are learning demo jumping and already have the basics down
Yeah, i guess i have to edit it.
I really wanted to make a hard map but hammer keeps bugging me out and limiting me.
ps. I ain't a great demo. I just had to make a video.
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
what i was saying is that the ways i described the jumps are way easier to perform than the way you did them ^^

Posts: 61
Jon Bon Jovi of course
Nice map need some work but it is a good beginning, btw i like your zirco vid.

It wasn't me, but Jon Bon Jovi of course.
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