So I was playing Surf iT not SuSurf iT when an argument arose between my friend and a few people (mainly someone who goes by the name of Derpus). The argument was about ping/skill when Derpus started to first insult my friend, then he must have just gotten tired of the argument and banned my friend for: [SM] ADMIN: Banned player "roju_" for 10 minutes (reason: u have 10 minutes to reflect on bein bad). Then I spoke my mind saying: Evil MrMuffinz : what a dick move [SM] ADMIN: Gagged Evil MrMuffinz. I find this very surprising because this is a <suffix> iT server and thought something like this wouldn't have happened. If you want proof because you don't believe little ole me I guess I can show you the console. I hope this doesn't happen often because I really love these <suffix> iT servers  Sincerely, Evil MrMuffinz