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Author Topic: Heaven - By Bio  (Read 709 times)
Offline  Bio

Posts: 17
Heaven - TF2 Jump Movie

Might as well call it syncs and airpogos + music. Im not creative. -_-

2nd and 3rd clips recorded weird, was too lazy to go back and attempt to fix it.


Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
Smooth like butter!

Well I hope you can handle some criticism cuz imma lay it down.

Really low volume, intro too long, editing was meh, song was wack (above the clouds was better editing/song wise imo. It seems like you didn't use any cc for this one. The cc was noticeable/good in above the clouds, but not this one.), and quality of jumps seemed kinda all over the place. The jumps on mvm_coaltown and the one right after it seemed like you meant to get a sync but instead got a half assed half-double or something, those clips did not belong in the movie to be totally honest. Ofc there's the usual criticism to every jump movie about using clips that show the intended way of a jump (the water sync on jump_sync). Also, I hate to be that guy, but the termywermy jump has already been done:
termywermy 14

Got a lot better towards the end though. Loose cannon jumps were pretty cool I suppose, but without ever using that weapon, I can't really comment. Best jump ofc on sexydev :O the one on everest was also pretty nice, that sync looked perfect. Last jump on shiver was also well done. Also, the title screen with Heaven backdropped onto shiver's level looked great. The snow really added a lot to that shot. And nice job using the red pain markers. I REALLY hate when jump clips/movies don't have them and/or people use stv demos to record pov clips. And god damn that god damn intel pointer thingy... showed up on ur klanana clip. If someone/you ever figures out how to get rid of it while keeping the red pain markers tell me. Overall, it's pretty neat to see how much better you've become compared to your earlier movies, GJ. One of the few ppl who actually make jump movies, it's nice to see.

Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
Pretty awesome.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.

Posts: 630
Also, I hate to be that guy, but the termywermy jump has already been done:

conc_AandO had been done, too.

Just because it's been done doesn't mean nobody else can do it anymore. Hell, most shit has 'already been done.'

As for the video, really liked the creativity when it came to the loose cannon syncs, really cool.  I felt at times though, some of it was just 'Im going to record and jump around and shit and see if it looks good' rather than having a directed idea of what you wanted to do.  Kinda bugged me a bit, but still overall really cool.
Offline  Bio

Posts: 17
Smooth like butter!

Well I hope you can handle some criticism cuz imma lay it down.

Really low volume, intro too long, editing was meh, song was wack (above the clouds was better editing/song wise imo. It seems like you didn't use any cc for this one. The cc was noticeable/good in above the clouds, but not this one.), and quality of jumps seemed kinda all over the place. The jumps on mvm_coaltown and the one right after it seemed like you meant to get a sync but instead got a half assed half-double or something, those clips did not belong in the movie to be totally honest. Ofc there's the usual criticism to every jump movie about using clips that show the intended way of a jump (the water sync on jump_sync). Also, I hate to be that guy, but the termywermy jump has already been done:
termywermy 14

Yeah, I've asked a couple people and they said volume was fine. I think it comes down to how high/low you keep your volume in windows.

I didn't use CC at all. On my last movie I had LOTS of people tell me they hated the CC, so I avoided it in this one.

Its hard to please every community with the jumps. On one side we've got the casual players that love the "easy" jumps like in the 1st couple minutes of the movie. The comp players who have seen the normal jumps but still are impressed by some of the easier jumps but also love seeing the slightly harder jumps. Then the jumpers, who have seen all these movies come out and constantly see the same "boring" jumps. I tried to put in jumps that would please everyone. But, I can't make everyone happy.

Yeah, putting in the waterfall jump was probably a mistake. I needed 1 more jump and just said f*** it. Its a neat jump that people will probably enjoy.

Didn't see that 14 was already done. I try to do as much detective work as possible and make sure nobody has used the jumps I go for, but I can't find every video.

And god damn that god damn intel pointer thingy... showed up on ur klanana clip. If someone/you ever figures out how to get rid of it while keeping the red pain markers tell me.

Yeah that annoyed me. I was skeptical about using the jump just because of the pointer. You have to use an STV demo to get rid of it. I tried using different recorders but nothing worked.  for the other.

Thank you for saying something! I don't like it when people say everything was perfect. When there are usually flaws.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 12:50:22 AM by Bio »

Posts: 78
nice  :D


Posts: 424
And god damn that god damn intel pointer thingy... showed up on ur klanana clip. If someone/you ever figures out how to get rid of it while keeping the red pain markers tell me.


Nice movie overall. Although I think some jumps weren't perfect and could have been better.
I felt at times though, some of it was just 'Im going to record and jump around and shit and see if it looks good' rather than having a directed idea of what you wanted to do.

Good vid overall!

Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
can't add much....couple of jumps just seemed to be kinda random, ...that you had a start and then try to do as much as possible

but there are some cool ideas too
i like the simple edit, music fits well imo, and the sound was good to me

oh...just one more thing
metalworks ;D
i'm working on it too
Offline  Torii

Posts: 108
Whirlwind "Torii Hurricane"
I agree with the "no clear direction", it seemed like you were just jumping around on some jumps without any planning. Who knows though.

Honestly, I think that 2nd and 3rd clip looks SO UGLY. I would have gone back and re-recorded instantly.

I have no idea what is going on with the Cannon jumps because I've never used one before, but it looks pretty cool I guess (sexydev jump was great). The mvm_bigrock triple looked more like a double.

I would have preferred having no pain markers to that intel pointer. You can remove it (and pain markers) with cl_drawhud 0. Also, cl_interp 0.1 for smooth projectiles.

Great movie I feel, I love pretty much any kind of sustained airpogo that doesn't go on forever, some people may find it bland, but I find it pretty awesome. I like the music too, but the volume is rather low as most have said.

Hooray for disorganised reviews.



Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
Sorry but this would have looked WAY better with cc, fuck the haters. Colors were so bland as it is...

Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
I hate color correction.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
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