Jump of The Week #31 - Mr. and Mrs. on pl_upward
Submit your jumps at: tf2rjdropbox@gmail.com
Jump of the Week #8 - DAoliHVAR & Chris on pl_upward
Submit your jumps at: tf2rjdropbox@gmail.com
NEW DEADLINE DATE: January 13, 2012
Dellort has officially moved the deadline date to send in demos for his new jump movie UP from January 20th to January 13th, most likely due to the overwhelming number of demos he has received. Make sure you get your demos to him no later than 1/13/2012.
jump_elysium_v3 by Drexen
Released: March 28, 2011
Updated version of elysium
These 5 maps were submitted and featured in the recent Demoman Competition and with the competition officially at a close we would like to feature them as they are all fantastic maps to download and play!
Thank you to all of our participants, all of your maps are praise worthy even if you didn't win.
Here are the maps and the download links!