Get pumped! Dellort is teasing us with a little trailer for his new jump movie... can't wait for it!
We have seen quite a few awesome jump movies come out lately which I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to see... so here ya go!
Where Eagles Dare
Jumps by HBC, Professional Eagle
JUMPER - A TF2 Jump Movie by siN
Jumps by Wild, Hiper, Walka!, IronHawk, Santa, thrashh
Atmosphere - TF2 Jumpmovie
Jumps by glados, CrancK, eleven, QuBA, xTime, Scotteh
NEW DEADLINE DATE: January 13, 2012
Dellort has officially moved the deadline date to send in demos for his new jump movie UP from January 20th to January 13th, most likely due to the overwhelming number of demos he has received. Make sure you get your demos to him no later than 1/13/2012.
Dellort has officially put out a democall for his new movie.. submit your demo's via the forum thread by January 20th. Here are some additional details and shit.
You can use whatever you want basically, any number of people, any weapons, any classes, but try to keep it on the creative side, and not overdone to the point where it's just gimmicky. Preferably use maps that are textured, if...