Tagged With: Who

jump_who by Bematt


September 8, 2011

by Klanana

jump_who by Bematt

Released: August 22, 2011
It's a soldier jump map. There are doors. That's all that matters. I know you missed them so I brought back doors. There are a lot of doors in this map. I was just about this close to naming this "door_who" before I realized that nobody truly appreciates the art of doors as much as I do.

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jump_junk_a4 by various mappers
Map Contributors include: [GNC]Matt, Vend, Drexen, RING RING RING, Muffin, Raiin, Dr. Whooo, and Rush

Released: January 03, 2011
Number of jumps
Demo: 35ish
Solly: 21ish (0-19)

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2 New Maps for Soldiers!


August 29, 2011

by Klanana

I'm laggin a little so sorry! 3 BRAND NEW soldier jump maps were released in the past week so be sure to check them out!

jump_klanana by Raiin - The map we've all been waiting for! Raiins new map is beautiful and loads of fun!

Jump_majoras_a3 by Hadokk - This new soldier map is challenging and original... a very exciting map you must check out!

jump_who by House - I'm sorry did y...

5 New Demoman Maps


August 7, 2011

by härd redwine

These 5 maps were submitted and featured in the recent Demoman Competition and with the competition officially at a close we would like to feature them as they are all fantastic maps to download and play!

Thank you to all of our participants, all of your maps are praise worthy even if you didn't win.


Here are the maps and the download links!

  1. jump_up by QuBa
  2. jump_a...

About TF2 Jump and Jumping

We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
