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Map Showcase - jump_edgebug_b2 by eleven |
yeah i see where you are coming from seeing that it needs a console command to be executed
still maybe some potential though
Cant talk another language BUT it is when you at a EXACT number when falling of a certain height shoot and the explosion ignores a teleport that is on the ground and you go up as if nothing has happened
yeah i know, but im not MIKE xD. And, what is bounce? i dont know so much about names.
oh yes yes yes, jump_bounce... now jump_edgebug ?? WTF I LOVE 'EM, and i think everyone that doesnt is so gaaay
"Aye, that's the way ye do it! Hehah!"still using the trial version of vegas pro >.< so gay watermarks show up every 20 secondsBe a pirate...