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Messages - Hajnal

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Beginnings 2013
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:37:52 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Beginnings 2013
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:37:42 PM »
i regret not adding more light fixtures, air vents, and doors to orbital.

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:29:36 PM »

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 25, 2013, 04:11:38 PM »
the hammer gods have decreed that hajnal be the recipient of a large migraine.

Stupid glorified Quake editor.  >:(

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:10:50 PM »

I believe it's a general error, it happened to me when I accidentally made a displacement a brush entity and I think it also happens when you have a brush that's outside the grid.

Post the full compile log and let drexen come in and be a pro.

The logs is pretty much uneventful, all normal then, it just says that and stops.

Yeah.... I'd have to see the vmf. sounds like some invalid brush. Maybe try ALT+P to show the problems menu for anything obvious.

I have no idea why it would be an invalid brush, the map is nothing but cubes, no displacements or anything. Alt + P doesn't give any invalid geometry errors.

It's saying it's a brush with that texture, but even after I delete everything with playerclip is still gives that error.

I'm lost. If you'd like the .vmf let me know.

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 24, 2013, 05:49:12 PM »
Someone help pls

"WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: TOOLS/TOOLSPLAYERCLIP, near (-7008.000000, 5740.429688, 8.000000))"

Only problem is
1) There's nothing even near those coordinates with playerclip
2) Even after deleting every single instance of playerclip from the map I still get that issue.
3) Google doesn't help.

Map won't even compile now because of this, there's literally no reason why that should even be happening.

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:20:06 PM »
Alright, done.

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:14:51 PM »
I thought both courses were pretty straight forward, don't know where this confusion is coming from. Also since you're editing the first course now and adding more teleports: jump_mirrorsedge_rc1 course 1
I don't know if you want to leave that in or not but I think it's a fun skip for speedruns.

That's creative as hell actually, I'm going to have to rethink some teles.

New Maps / Re: Jump_MirrorsEdge
« on: September 22, 2013, 04:05:04 PM »
Why does failing a jump tele me back to an earlier jump? 

edit: I like the theme, but the whole "screw up, and you just might go back to the beginning" is really annoying.


That's just the first course, since it's stupid easy.

Second course is your standard jump map.

So far it's mixed feelings on that first course. I might take it out then. I've updated it, added more teleports and really highlighted the arrows that tell you where to go to make sure you can't possibly get lost. I'm improving some general other things and will have another update up soon.

New Maps / Jump_Mirrorsedge
« on: September 21, 2013, 04:25:51 PM »
I'll be posting update to this map here every time I do one. This sucks about 100% less than Jump_hajnal.

This map is based off the Mirrors Edge DLC maps, it uses resources created by Mecha The Slag for his Tf2 Parkour mod (which he allows open use of). Course 1 is a combination speedrun/freestyle course, where there's a lot of different ways to get to end (some even skipping most of the course) but this is balanced by the fact that if you mess one of these up, you'll get teleported back to the beginning or an earlier point in the course. You can mainly just fuck around here while you get used to what different color surfaces do in the second course. NOPE

1)First course is different, is now an ezpz basic training thing. Old course can be accessed by going red.
2)Course two had some general improvements, highlighted certain areas, fixed teleports etc.
3)All most unintentional cheets have been fixed
4)Doors now tele you back jumps.
5)SOOPER SEKERET purple door added.
6)Increased lightmap scale in certain areas.
7)Teleports now closer to the actual jump in most cases where it was needed.
8)Optimized for slightly less lag, and slightly smaller filesize

2)Fix HDR
3)Re-do some detail objects
4)Bonus jumps
5)Other general fixes
6)Whatever feedback I get

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Thanks to: OvershotBOOT, Pho, Ulb, Hobbes, Sqtl, Ak Ack, and whoever else was in the server or otherwise tested the map (I seriously don't remember, pls tell me)

Also Drexen for helping with an error I was having.

Thanks to: Mecha The Slag for the Mirrors Edge Content, and Afterglow for his mapping resource pack (specifically the Aviator jump).

DOWNLOAD RC1: snipped for consistency


New Maps / Re: Jump_Hajnal
« on: September 20, 2013, 09:09:17 PM »
Obsidiian was kind enough to help me out with this, I got it all packed, just going through some testing right now. I'll probably put it up here in a couple of days.

New Maps / Re: Jump_Hajnal
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:38:45 PM »
yeah pls help I'm clueless.

New Maps / Re: Jump_Hajnal
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:01:02 PM »
pressure's on now, don't disappoint :)


but more importantly packrat/vide/anything else that's supposed to pack custom files is being stupid and not working.

help pls.

New Maps / Re: Jump_Hajnal
« on: September 17, 2013, 06:48:27 PM »
Very cool run, thanks for the video X_DIAS. The song reminds me of an artist who's album I used to name my jumps, Venetian Snares.

In other news, I'll get to fixing this later, I already started something else ::)

New Maps / Re: Jump_Hajnal
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:29:14 PM »
On jump2, I think the depression in the walls are quite unnecessary and makes it harder than it should be, add playerclip/nodraw or just make it square/rectangular

This was intentional, the point of that jump is have controlled shots in the marked areas. I am by no means a good jumper (I'm terrible for that matter) and this jump doesn't pose any sort of problem in terms of difficulty

As for jump12... The ramp bumps you up when you're going fast, I find this tends to happen when you make the ramp out of multiple brushes

Understood, will fix.

On jump13 you can stand on the first wallpogo wall.

just realized the I hadn't checked the client flag for the tele, fixed

As said... Add trigger_hurt around the entire map, no one likes to die after failing a sync and dying from fall damage or killing themselves rocket jumping to the next jump. Yeah one can use gboats but for one not eveyone has gboats, some don't like to change their loadout presets (like me) and it takes about 2 minutes to do and makes a map more jumping-friendly.


Overall, fun and well-detailed.

Replies in bold, thanks!

Very nice map, looks awesome. plays well.

Thank you.

About some of the mapping stuff thats been talked about here already:

dont worry about the maxplane count, or any of those % limit values at the bottom of the compile
looking over the map, i would agree a trigger_hurt is needed, just one large brush covering the whole map is perfectly fine, its very easy to kill yourself at some points, and most people expect them.

Okay, the only reason they hadn't been added was because I was doing them with triggers in each jump, which bumped my max plane count considerably. I come from a different engine where having a trigger set up like that is blasphemy.

and about optimization, from a quick look over the map with mat_leafvis 2, doesnt seem like you use func_details. which are really useful! should cut down your probably large vvis compile time.

Strange, more than 70% of the map are set as func detail.

"but it seems that probably wont be happening considering all the engine limits I hit."
what specific engine limits? you could definitely add way more jumps into this map without too much trouble.

Lightmap limits and more importantly, the max plane limit which is at 97% right now. It shouldn't be that high, but I'm used to modeling in third party programs like 3dsMax, where grid alignment is a non issue. Obviously Source doesn't take to kindly to this.

either way, awesome map

Thanks! Replies in bold.

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