honestly... to the edgebug with a rocket: edgeshot sounds fine, but "edgebug and use a rocket" is not that much harder
but: jump is jump... and ctap is ctap because: "jump, but crouch for a short period of time, before actually jumping and shooting" is long and annoying as hell, and people still wouldn't understand
but ive used edgeshot already, and i kinda like it... yea... keeper i tell ya xD
to nr. 2:
i would suggest saying: drop into the jump... like, if you wanna skip after it, say: drop into the skip
though i kinda agree with you on that one, ive honestly not really seen it before... mb once or twice and didnt notice then - this could use a name...
dropshot sounds fine too, as far as im concerned, though that sounds more like actually dropping before shooting... thinking about it... dropping into it does too...
mb groundshot? cause its essentially crouching and firing below you... i like groundshot

to the double on the ramp... we already got a name... its called a double speedshot, or a double on a ramp, i dont care which you take... though... you hit the ground, 2 rockets impact in you at the same time... yea, double speedshot sounds about right
no special preperation needed, nothing to watch our for when jumping it, just the surface thats different...
if we rename this... lets start deviding our skips into fastskips, slopyskips, upskips, downskips, slowskips, highskips, grassskips and gravelskips, as well as dirtskips and slight variations and inbetweens of those O_O
im sorry, but that really doesn't make any sense at all
same for the retard-wallclimb --- btw the name i would take here, no offense, it just looks... weird... watching a soldier staring at a wall and firing rockets in front... or we could call it rookie climb
but we don't need a name, its just walljumping, and can be explained with like... 1 word, and 2 extra symbols to everyone who knows it exists... so... why search a specific one?
To the topic:
Overall, i like the idea of having a thread to name things that appear, just... not only jumps
we could for example use a name for walls that block rockets but wont stop players - cause not everyone knows those are physboxes and those can be used for different things too...
Or a Wall that lets rockets pass, but not players - so the opposite - those explanations are quite long, and talking to other jumpers/mappers saying it over and over is tedious, so getting a good idea for a name might be cool
so if anyone can tell me how i shall call those, that would really be nice

also, we could, while we are on terminology, name a few common jump combos, though im not really sure if that really makes sense... i would like the idea, but ... whatever...
like for example, a jump where you go fast forward in any way, then use a slope to change your whole momentum upwards ... idk... a viper... or something...
or a long strafe in a circle a helix...
...so taking common figures and fixing em to jump scenarios
we dont need it, but it would make talking about specific jumps on maps easier, instead of having to say: "on knochenbrecher on cheval" - "which one was that?" - "idk, number 13 or something? ... eeeh... the one where you jump the alternating sloped walls" we could say: "on chevals zigzag" or something...
but honestly, i really dont know how well something like that would translate to jumping, and up to now, it has worked without, so we got no need for it... like... at all xD
yea... long post... thanks for making this topic - hopefully someone finds a few new jumping techniques that really need a name - like the ... groundshot... (alright... stupid name...), and puts those here for suggestions
edit: i take that back, dropshot works fine, seems to be a keeper too