A few more things to note with more screenshots.
- No teles under those pads after A11 and before the tele back to spawn, this probably doesn't even matter.
- The button on C8 no longer lights up when you shoot it, so there's no way of knowing whether it's on or off.
- This jump needs teleports possibly on the floor of the water similar to the one later on.
- This jump is quite vague and way more open than it needs to be, teleporter zones are a bit far away.
- This ledge is far too close making the jump more awkward than it should be.
- A glass wall or a clip should/could be put here to block telesyncing or miracle pogo skips.
- This door should have a teleporter like D11 does, and the clipping on the ledges in the rest of the jump are strange (Final jump on purple).
Also there's a nasty issue with the lights on walls
since almost all of them can be shot and stood on (the small ledges). I have more screenshots of that but don't want to cram tons of stuff into one post.
After all that crap here's a video of the purple bonus jump
Purple Bonus
ooookay, lets just work this out from start to finish:
1st: A11 is intended, its kinda silly to have a teleporter after the course has officially ended
2nd: C8 was a byproduct of me removing all the light entities, i'll have this one fixed next version, i agree here, its kinda bogus not to see when you're able to jump and when not
3rd: (first picture) I could put a tele on the floor there, but that might have secondary effects (wink wink, nudge nudge), and i thought the fact that you could just float back to spawn, and start from the water was enough not to need one there - you lose like... 5 seconds or so, going back instead of sinking to the bottom
4th: you're not the first telling me this, and probably not the last, so here is my reasoning: The first thing you are pointed at, after porting the first time, is the back wall, with the huge glowing white square on it - that should make people think: hey, i should use that, its so in my face! Then comes the question of where to go? since you obviously have to double, and the walls swallow rockets, up is pretty much the only way. Once you are up there your attention should get to the orange platform, since its right in front of you - from there its only: aaaaaw, i fell - oh, i don't have to do everything anew? thats nice O_O... and figuring out a double speedshot is the way to go there, that is left.
5th: the ledge being too close can be fixed reeeaaaally easily - start farther back. Since this is purple, and the jump to get into the course is really awkwardly spaced on purpose, i expected people to not just: go to the ledge and complain when it feels weird... In case you already jump from the far back wall: congratulations, you jump about 2 times as far as i do, and might make the double catch without the middle platform.
6th: This one i really really really need to fix. This is 2 ways of cheating that i didn't think of earlier. I started fixing it already, by making the ground teleporter a lot higher, but i still haven't thought of the double on my own... kinda silly after making orange... derp...
7ths and last: Yup, i've had that problem, too - i experimented with it like... a ton... and the jump got a lot more awkward when i put the teleporter on the door, since it reacts immediately, while the door has move speed... i'd have to put in to a different activation time to work, i think... the clipping i wont change, its either this, or walking beneath it will feel weird, because of the way the bridge thing is designed.
The thing that really botheres me about this one is that you can cheat it by jumping from the bridge, firing the button, and just boosting on over the slope, and tbh... i have no idea how i could fix that - i'd probably have to make the jump longer, and put another skip in, so you can't possibly get to the door any other way, than with the speedshot... but putting another skip in will 100% feel awkward, since speedshots are inconsistent in their hight... mb a ramp to make it longer might help...
I also forgot to include a way back on this one... will have to write that down...
Okay, lots to think about, thanks everybody for replying... again...
Keep the problems and ideas coming, i'd like to potentially have everything ironed out in the next version, and make that the final one - no more gameplay changes incoming, besides fixing some jumps. It will only be the new skybox and the bugfixing before i remove the tag behind the mapname, don't have the ressources to keep working anyways... yea...

So, gg, keep jumping, laters :3