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Author Topic: discussion time  (Read 1540 times)
Offline  Scotteh

Posts: 60
I would like to make a map, but it's not something I've ever done before. I've never done any sort of modding or mapping in any game ever. I would like to sink hours into something like making a jump map, but I'm the least creative person in the world. I couldn't think of an original jump if my life depended on it.
Offline  Nerf

Posts: 18
I love jumping, not to be the best.. I just love messing around. ( I am in no way good at jumping, it's just something I enjoy.)

When it comes to mapping.. I tend to be a perfectionist. I don't like starting a project if I feel I can not make it perfect. (hence why I have 20-30 projects floating around in TF2 alone that have never been completed)

I've worked at a friends studio who also had a MMO hosting datafarm. Did concept art and custom content for Private MMO servers. It's always been easier for me to create scenery.. then designing a working playable level that functions off the players.

I've started 3 jump maps.. all of which I've never even got into a working alpha stage. 2 of them I've scrapped.. the other sitting in a folder waiting to be looked over and see if I can make something out of it. I'll probably scrap that one too and start fresh.

I think if one really wants to see some new maps, instead of focusing on it solo, why not making a group project out of it.. and make a consensus on what to expect of it. While most of the maps out there are pretty original. Many jumps are the same.. but lots of maps lack polish to look fresh.

I don't think I've seen anyone really complain of the same jumps.. but rather the maps that are constantly played. Once you beat a map, and you see it on the "daily rotation" you do get tired of it.

As for creating jumps.. and the limited physics option in the engine. I think what we can really only expect to see are more "endurance" style jumps.. like combining jumps and making the completion longer.
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