It only works on stairs if they have a playerclip brush over them... In which case you are sliding on a ramp of playerclip not the stairs which are purely decorative. Stairs which aren't playercliped are bumpy when you walk up them slowly and you cannot ramp slide on them. Only some valve employees playerclip their stairs so you'll have to check before you try ramp slideing. As for the angle, if you are moving too parallel to the ramp then you will stick to it. In order to slide you have to go into the ramp at an angle slightly above horizontal, the closer you are to the horizontal the more speed you will have on the ramp. The problem here comes when you speedshot or speed pogo too close to the ramp and you are still going up as you hit it. Keep trying though, it's fun once you get it right (maybe try jump_rook's ramp slide jumps for practise).  EDIT: You also have to be going quite fast  .