i know that feeling ! even though i´m a mediocre jumper one of the things i found out it helps imo, is taking a break, it worked with me, stop jumping for like a week or more and then comeback, can´t make a jump ? practice a bit and if u can´t do it just go to other map, and return to that jump the next day and practice on it a little more, don´t spend countless hours stuck on the same jump i used to go on chillout too and record the pros jumping with skeys and rewatch the demos a bit slow down with host_timescale, watching adrian cheat through the maps like that is amazing  also jumping offline it helped me a bit too, no disctractions, no people spamming in chat or pm´ing you every minute, better to concentrate just keep practicing and have fun just my 2 cents
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 09:49:50 AM by mousiope »