Hi everybody !
I guess I'm new in TF2 Jump community, so I'll first introduce myself.
I'm Weap0wned, a young French TF2 player and also a jump addict. I've discovered this website while watching at all Dellort's awesome movies on YouTube. I decided to sign in because on this forum people seems to be nice even with beginners.
I jump only with soldier, I guess when I'll improve my skills I'll start demo. I'm not really good at jumping, I finished jump_aventure but that's all. I'm not really confident with wallpogo, speedpogo and synchronizing rockets.
Finally, I'm a movie maker (not expert movies), I'm using Adobe Premiere CS6.
Here is my first movie, as a Sniper :
I'm also going to create my own website with all my creations.
That's it for the boring part (sorry about that), let's talk about something more interesting.
I'm going to realize a new TF2 movie called "Ghost" (?), this will be my first jump movie. During this video, I'll go through all the jump_aventure map as a soldier. My problem is : what softwares/tools should I use to take scenes ? I need to have first person view, third person view and also other cameras. Here are my different ideas :
Fraps : really powerfull software, the one I used for my precedent movie, but only for first (and also third) person view (I have to record all by my own, at the same time I play). I guess it's the perfect one for first person view.
Source Movie Maker : also awesome tool (thanks Valve), even if you don't use animations. I thought it can be useful for camera views, but I didn't use it often before.
Replay : I never use it. I don't even know how it works, so if you're using it, tell me if it will help me
Others : I saw on a random post this message :
You can record both types of demos at the same time. Start up a server, type "tv_enable 1". Reload the map, then type "tv_record jump" and "record jump". Leave at least 500 ticks before and after the jump, once you've recorded it type "stop" and "tv_stoprecord".I don't know what he was talking about, and I cannot check this because I'm in Canada so I don't have access to my computer (this message was posted with an iTouch).
I guess that's all I'm thinking about, thanks for your help and have a nice day

PS: please excuse my horrible English, I'm just sixteen so that's a really hard for me to express myself in English :/