nicely done, very underplayed map. 2nd to last bonus looks brutal... so damn long wtf man.
also i got a question, when you ground pogo and then do two stickies to get horizontal speed and then an air pogo, do you hit S at all for the air pogo or does the timing come naturally? Like at 1:50 in the vid
and do jump_over next 
Yeah the 3rd bonus is probably one of the hardest jumps out there. Doing that quad airpogo past the first part was infinitely easier then doing it the correct way. For the airpogo... idk really! A combo of both usually works best for me so that I don't lose/gain too much speed. ...I don't think I'll be doing jump_over again anytime soon. That map gave me the worst headache I've had in a while (and also took way too long). Maybe I'll do it sometime in the future but really I can't see myself having fun trying to record it. Sorry