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Author Topic: TF2 Bhop Script by KandriX  (Read 2663 times)

Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix
Hi all,
I've made some bhop script and small video with it.
TF2: Bhop script by KandriX DOWNLOAD

Download link is

Enjoy :)

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Offline  kawaii

Posts: 24
This isn't really useful 'n all, but if you play on the intox servers where their plugin requires you have to actually time your jumps to bhop, it'd be useful. Seems like a nice script anyways :X

Posts: 41
real proZs are using mwheelup +jump

i havent checked that cfg, but is it just script with +jump, wait, +jump, wait,.... ?

anyway, its useless on jump servers

Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix

//Initiate alias - BHop script by KandriX
alias bhop_bind "+jump;wait 2; -jump;wait 2;bhop_jump"
alias bhop_alias "alias bhop_jump bhop_bind"
alias bhop_stop "alias bhop_jump"
alias +bhop "bhop_alias;bhop_jump"
alias -bhop "bhop_stop; -jump"

//The bind
bind space +bhop

if this can answer your questions ;))

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Offline  snufkin

Posts: 170
hurtme -9999999
I doubt you will reply, but is there a way to make this work on tournament servers (sv_pure x)?
Online  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
lol ofc not

simply because the wait command is disabled
Offline  snufkin

Posts: 170
hurtme -9999999
lol ofc not

simply because the wait command is disabled

and is there a substitute for the wait command or should I bhop properly without a script
Online  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
Just do it by hand like everyone else
You don't get much boost anyway
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